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E L L I A N A - R O S E

beep beep

I hear, waking up to my alarm at seven in the morning.

Ughhhhh. Why am I going to school again?

"Mama.", Kade says while rubbing his tiny hands on my face.

"Good morning stinky.", I say before attacking him with kisses, making him erupt in giggles filling the bedroom.

That's a sound I'll never get tired of.

"Stop Mama!", he begged, still laughing.

"Say please.", I teased as I started to tickle him.

"Pease!", he stuttered out trying to stop his laughter.

"Okay. Since you asked so nicely.", I joked as I stopped tickling him and pulled him into a hug.

We eventually climb out of bed and start our mornings like usual; brushing our teeth, moisturizing, greeting Matty, eating breakfast, and getting dressed.

A few minutes ago, I told Kade to go put on his shoes as I did the same in my room. About two more minutes passed before I went to check on him to see what was taking him so long to come back.

I slowly peeked into his room and spotted him on his beanbag chair talking to Sam.

"I wan go to school like Mama and Wade.", I heard him mumble.

"I wan two, tree, four, five friends like Mama.", he continued while counting on his tiny fingers.

"Bub?", I called as I knocked on the door, making my presence known.

"You okay baby?", I asked seeing his pout, while slowly moving to sit next to him.

He didn't answer but moved to climb on my lap. I immediately gave him a big squeeze and a few kisses on the head.

I know he's smart for his age but he's only one, almost two but still, I don't think he should start going to Pre-K anytime soon. Maybe a learning daycare which is understandable but I'm still hesitant about putting him into one of those with me being involved with the mafia and all.

It's about that time when he'll start asking to go, obviously. I'm just waiting for him to actually ask me if he can go to school, knowing that it won't be the same school I go to and once he starts going it doesn't stop for another twelve or more years.

"What's wrong bub?", I asked gently rubbing his back while rocking us back and forth.

"No know.", he whispered while pushing his face deeper into the crook of my neck.

"Well, when you do know, can you tell Mama? Or even Wade or Matty?", I asked him softly.

He only nodded in response causing me to sigh sadly.

"Mama loves you, baby. So much.", I assured him, still hugging him tightly against my chest.

"Love you Mama.", he told me before tilting his head up to give me a quick kiss.

We eventually got up after I checked the time and noticed I was running a bit behind schedule.

"El! There's someone here for you!", I heard Matty shout from the front door.

I walk to the front door with Kade following behind me and spot Nia with a small smile as she sees us.

"Hey. You ready to go?", she says as she hugs us.

"I just need to give Kade his medicine then we can leave.", I tell her before I turn to walk towards the kitchen but am soon stopped by Matty.

"Don't worry kiddo, I got it.", he says.

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