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N I C O 

I wake up as I do on most mornings, with slobbery kisses.

I open my eyes to see no other than Apollo standing on my bed ready to play.

I have to remember to put him in a cage before bed.

As I'm petting Apollo, I think about everything that was said last night.

After Lia left, my dad said he and my mom needed to have an important talk. I think we all knew what they were talking about.

I make my way downstairs to see my parents at the kitchen island talking to my little sisters.

"So she's our big sister?", Luna asked confused.

"Not really sweetie, but she's like a daughter to me and your papa, so if she decides to come around more often then maybe you'd start seeing each other as sisters.", my mom explained to the twins.

"If she's like your daughter, why did you make her sad?", Lena asked clearly confused and a bit upset.

"I didn't mean to upset her yesterday. I know it's no excuse, but I was just very worried about what could happen to her. I don't want her to be alone in a huge house with no one protecting her the way we could if she were here with us. I really shouldn't have and I know I hurt her by doing that, which is why I'll be sure to make it up to her today.", my mom concluded.

"She's coming back today?", the twins asked excitedly.

"Yep, maybe this time you'll both get to spend some time with her. I know you were both kind of disappointed you didn't get to yesterday.", my dad said to them.

"Yay!", they cheered.

"Do you know what time she's coming?", my mom asked my dad who shook his head no.

"She'll be here around one, Nonna told me last night.", I said walking into the kitchen making them all look at me and say good morning.

"Good morning,", I greeted back. "What's got you two up early?" I asked the twins who usually sleep in on the weekends.

"We want to see our new godsister.", Lena said excitedly.

"Mama says she'd love to play makeovers and tea parties with us.", Luna added with a huge smile.

Thank God I won't have to be the ugly princess who needed a makeover and was then invited to a tea party afterward. The same scenario happened every single time I was forced into playing.

After listening to the twins chatter about what they hope Lia will do and play with them when she gets here, the rest of the family finally comes down to the table for breakfast.

"So? What's on the schedule for today?", my zio Alonzo asked trying to start a conversation.

"Well, I don't think anyone's going anywhere today seeing as there's supposed to be a big storm later today.", Nonno Pablo said.

"What about Elliana? Is she still coming over?", zia Tamara asked glancing at my mom.

"Yeah, she'll be here around one. So in about an hour or so.", Dad clarified looking at his watch seeing it was almost noon.

"Is she spending the night? The storm won't calm down until tomorrow.", Wade asked with a slight frown.

"Well, I guess so. She must not have anything else she needs to do then.", my dad said.

"She just texted and said she might be over earlier than expected.", Nonna Grace announced squinting at her phone with her glasses hanging at her nose.

"Ma, we have a rule about phones at the table.", my mom chuckled along with everyone else.

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