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E L L I A N A - R O S E

Growing up, I had always thought by the age of 25 I'd be pregnant with my first child, and my husband and I would be living somewhere in Italy in a big beautiful house.

Of course, now I know that my life is going to be the complete opposite of what I had always imagined it as.

I know this for a fact because I had my first child a year ago at 16.

I know you're probably thinking '16?? oh my she's another high school slut that got knocked up'. Well if you were, you're wrong. Another reason I know my life won't go as planned is because I no longer live in Italy.

Anyways...I should probably introduce myself.

My name is Elliana-Rose Cherie Amato.

Yeah, I know, why did my parents have to be all special and give me a two-part first name...I don't think they knew either.

Moving forward, I just turned 17 in February. I moved to Maryland almost two years ago from Italy and lived with a good family friend and now my legal guardian, Matthias, who we call Matty. He's like an uncle to me.

I have an almost two-year-old son named Kadence, I named him after my grandfather Kade, whom I've never met, but heard plenty of stories about. Although the way he was conceived was one of the worst moments of my life, he's the best thing that has ever happened to me.

Kade looks almost exactly like me. The only difference is our hair colors. His is a bit lighter than mine. Other than that he looks just like me, thankfully. I don't think I would be able to function if he looked like him.

When I was 14, I lived in Italy with my parents. That's when life was perfect, when everything was perfect. My parents were involved with the mafia, meaning I was involved as well being their daughter, so whoever went after them would most likely try to kidnap me. I know, what kind of bullsh-, sorry, off track.

If you haven't guessed, that's exactly what happened.

I was critically beaten and starved every day for two years until they finally found me. I was hoping they never did though, I knew what would happen to them, I was supposed to get killed either way.

I thought they would've been smart enough to see it was a trap, but apparently, they were too focused on getting me back.

To make a long and painful story short, that was the worst day of my entire life.

After that day he still didn't kill me, unfortunately, but he decided he'd keep me until I was old enough to marry him and hand off my inheritance as well as the mafia, then he would kill me and take everything my parents left for me.

Since they didn't know when they'd die they were smart and wrote in their wills to give the money to my guardian to give to me responsibly, and the mafia to our really good family friends, my godparents, Papa Ares and Mama Gia.

They used to visit us a lot, but never with their kids, whom I always begged to meet, yet didn't get the chance to because they ended up leaving the country to who knows where.

Anyways, the will stated for Papa Ares to take my dad's position as the don until I was ready to run the mafia myself if I wanted to, but if I didn't, they'd pass it to their heir.

I didn't care how much money or power I had, I just had to escape, and I did. I found my uncle, Matty, and we left the country together.

A few days later I gave birth to Kade and started training to fight underground again, after not being able to for so long, to try to get my life back on track.

I don't fight just to make money, I fight because I need a way to release my stress, and my anger, and I just overall like to kick ass, especially when they underestimate me at first. I mean, I understand I'm 5'3 and not the tallest person ever, but I can still body slam a hoe if I need to.

I might seem like I'm over what happened, but the truth is, no matter how hard I try to forget, I can't because I'm cursed with an eidetic and episodic memory. 

I can kind of remember most things that happened to me or around me, it's not always clear, but the memories and sounds are always there, in my head, when all I want is for them to go away.

My mom always told me it's not a curse because I could catch people in their lies or remember things no one else could, but I never wanted to do any of those things in the first place, so yeah, still seems like a curse to me.

Matty is the leader of the Mexican mafia, which is the reason I haven't spent any of the money my parents left me, he wouldn't let me spend a dime of my own money, but he insisted I use his since he has "so much".

He finally agreed to let me try out public school and move into my own house with Kade. He was hesitant initially, but I can't blame him because I would be too.

Not about us being alone, but with Kadence's disability.

We found out he had epilepsy when he was three months old, which was terrifying and still is.

I decided since I was left 12 billion dollars, I know right, all this damn money and they couldn't get me a dog when I asked, okay, but I wanted to design my home so Kade could grow up in the best home possible. With more of the money, I bought us tons of clothes, shoes, toys, jewelry, and some cars.

My baby is going to be the most swagged-out toddler you've ever seen.

I'm honestly kind of nervous to go to school, not because of what people will say, because let a bitch talk, but because this is a new country, with new schools, with new people, new rules, and I'm not ready to leave my baby for that long, even though Matty keeps saying how much fun they'll have together.

But I guess this is a new chapter in my life, a new start is what I need.

It's been a long day of moving and unpacking and we're finally done. Tomorrow I'll be starting school, hopefully, it goes well.

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