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E L L I A N A - R O S E

"Can you stop bringing that up? It was back when I was a kid and didn't think things through before I did them.", Matty said to me.

We were in the living room talking about how he and my Pa used to go racing but one time he made a stupid mistake and drove the car into the bleachers by accident while trying to impress a guy. Thankfully no one got hurt, except his ego that is.

"Only men consider themselves kids when they are in their twenties.", I scoffed.

"Well, I was as reckless as an ignorant kid, but now I've learned to think first then act.", he said with confidence.

"Yeah, now you just need to learn to act your age and not your shoe size.", I joked, laughing at his baffled expression.

"Ha ha ha, you're so funny.", he said with a straight face making me laugh again.

"Anyways, I want to thank you again for taking time off to watch Kade today.", I told him as I sat on the couch next to him.

"You don't have to thank me, you know this El. Just stay safe for me.", he says as he leans over and pulls me into a quick side hug.


"Hi guys. Where's Bree?", I say as I walk into the cafe and greet my friends at a small booth in the far corner.

"I don't know, I thought she'd be here first with Nia. I called her a couple of hours ago to see if we were still meeting up and she said she and Nia would be here at four but it's four-thirty.", Carter shared.

"How long have they been hanging out? Alone I mean.", Jakob asked.

"I'm not sure, I just found out too.", I commented.

A few minutes later the girls both walked in and came to sit at the booth with us, Breelyn looking nervous, and Nia...I'm not sure but she doesn't look completely happy.

"Hi.", Bree greeted softly as she slid into the booth and sat next to me, while Nia sat on the other side with Carter and Jakob.

"Hey. Is everything okay?", I asked while gently caressing her hands, noticing they were slightly shaking.

"Um, no. I've been keeping something from you guys that I feel terrible about hiding but I'm afraid if I don't tell you guys now, someone could get hurt and it won't just be me this time.", she said, not looking any of us in the eye.

"Whatever it is, just know we'll be here to support you no matter what.", Carter spoke up.

"Yeah, nothing you tell us would make us not be here for you anymore. We're in this together.", Jakob added, causing the rest of us to nod in agreement.

"Well, uhh, I guess I'll start off by saying that my real name is Breelyn Petrillo, and my cousin Sara's real last name is Scarpoli.", she said nervously.

Holy fuck.

How did Matty miss that info in the background checks? These people must be super good at staying hidden, or they just have some professional hackers on hand.

"Wait, Scarpoli like Tomasso Scarpoli?", Jakob asked slowly.

How does this dude know so much about people involved with the mafia? Also, we've been trying to get the location of Tomasso for a while now, it's like he vanished off the face of the Earth.

"Who's that?", Carter questioned.

"My great uncle. He's known for having a small but dangerous mafia, he and his men do terrible things to innocent women and children. I've met him a handful of times, thankfully he's never done anything to me.", Breelyn told us.

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