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E L L I A N A - R O S E

Kade's been extremely clingy lately and it's starting to worry me.

A couple of days ago something happened that scared him.

I've been blaming myself for not being there when it happened but Matty keeps telling me it wasn't my fault.

After that, I can't help but have a constant fear that it'll happen again.

T W O   D A Y S   E A R L I E R . . .

I guess Nonna Grace was right.

 Nico and I clicked pretty well and quite fast.

We're currently at lunch.

I originally planned to sit with my new lunch buddies, but they suddenly had to do different things.

Once they all left I heard David calling my name from their table.

I greeted them all and ended up sitting in the only open seat that just so happened to be next to Nico.

He eventually asked me what Nonna meant this morning so I told him.

I told him I'd listen to what she advised about us hanging out and he said he'll make it worth it. 

He better.

It had to be one of the only times ever that I was enjoying myself and not missing Kade while being at school.

Until I got a call.

As soon as I read 'Matty' on the top of my screen my heart dropped to my ass.

Sorry, my butt.

I was frozen in fear, thinking about all the things he could be calling me about right now.

I finally got the courage to answer the phone and put it up to my ear slowly.

"H-hello?", I answered.

"'s Kade, he had an episode and now he won't stop crying and I've tried everything El. I think you need to come home, like now.", Matty rushed out worriedly but all I could focus on was Kade's screams for me in the background breaking my heart.

"What?", I asked making sure heard correctly.

"El I don't know what to do he keeps crying.", he said panicked. 

"W-well is he okay? What is he doing now?", I asked now getting tears in my eyes.

"Now he's screaming his head off for you, but it's getting worse so I kind of need you here to help.", he said.

"Uh I u-umm o-okay.", I said trying my hardest not to cry.

I should've been there with him.

He's never had to experience one without me.

"I'm uh, I'm going to go. I'll see you guys later.", I reassured the guys before I rushed out of the school.

By the time I reached my car, my tears had already started falling no matter how hard I tried not to let them.

As I opened my car door I felt a warm hand grab my wrist and turn me around.

 It's Nico.

The last person I wanted to see me cry.

"Hey, what happened?", he asked and made me burst into tears.

Nico pulled me into his chest and ran his fingers through my hair as I cried into his chest.

God, I feel so weak and embarrassed. 

"I'm sorry you had to see me like that. I'm not usually a crybaby, I swear.", I joked after I finally pulled away.

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