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E L L I A N A - R O S E

I wake up to a warm hand caressing my face and another on my chest. 


I opened my eyes to meet with a set of beautiful hazel eyes that matched my own.

"Good morning bub.", I said before kissing him.

"Hi Mama", he cooed back.

I found my phone and checked the time. Seeing that it was 7 and I needed to be at school before 8:30, I decided to get up after another five minutes of cuddling with Kade.

After I finally got out of bed and placed Kade on the love sack to play with the toys he left in here yesterday, I headed to the bathroom and did my normal morning routine, that is, showering, brushing my teeth, moisturizing my face, put on lip gloss, and put on my jewelry.

I step out of the bathroom and see Kade still playing with his trucks. Aww.

I then went over to my closet and pulled out my outfit for the day which is a soft light gray Nike sweater and a tight-fitted black skirt, with my white air forces. I know, basic.

After putting on my clothes, I put on lotion, then my shoes. 

The last thing I had to do was my hair, which I decided to let hang freely below my waist after brushing through some messy curls.

 Standing up from my bed, I go pick up Kade and go downstairs and into the kitchen where I see Matthias sitting at the island.

"Morning Matty Patty.", I said making him laugh.

"When will you start calling me by my real name?", he asked with a slight grin.

"By now, that is your real name and honestly, you should just get used to it because this one is always gonna call you Matty too. Aren't you baby.", I spoke, motioning to Kade, who I had just sat in his high chair. He giggled in response.

"He might get the nicknames from you, but let's hope he doesn't get your attitude.", Matty jokes, but I know he's not kidding.

"Yeah, let's hope he doesn't, 'cause then we'll both be fu-uhh I mean doomed.", I said, making us both chuckle knowing it was fully true. 

I move over to the medicine cabinet and grab the valproic, the medicine Kade takes to reduce the possibility of having a seizure and walk over to him. He stares up at me as I measure out the dosage. He drinks it quickly making me wonder if it tastes good or something.

 No, I didn't taste it, I'm not that stupid.

I give Kade a few kisses after I place his oatmeal and cup of milk on his tray.

I used the milk pump last night so I didn't have to spend time feeding Kade this morning then end up being late. You have no idea how much milk comes out of these things. I ended up making a whole 10 ounces. 

He doesn't even ask Matty for milk when I'm not around, he mostly eats whatever else food we have here, but as soon as I'm here, it's all he wants.

Yes, he still drinks my milk, I plan to completely stop breastfeeding when he turns two, we're working on it.

"Don't worry I got it, go on and head to school before you're late on the first day", Matty tells me, seeing the regret as well as hesitation on my face. I know I have to leave before he starts crying. 

With that, I grabbed my bag and walked out the door and into the garage.

I looked at my cars and decided to take my matte black Lamborghini Aventador Roadster. This is probably one of my favorites out of all of my cars.

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