2: Green eyes and freckled cheeks

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Theodosia sits in the carriage, waiting for her father so they can go home. She can't believe what has just happened. Someone stood up for her against George. And it was the most unlikely person to do so. Philip Hamilton. From what her father always said about Philip Hamilton and what she had heard around town, she didn't think he was the type to run around saving ladies. She had always thought of Philip as the type of guy who only cared about women for their bodies, but her two interactions with him contradicted what she had heard about him from other people. Both of the times she had interacted with him, he had been a perfect gentlemen. And somehow, both times, she had ended up kissing him on the cheek.

Theodosia can feel her cheeks warming as she thinks of kissing him on the cheek, but she forces herself to stop thinking of it. There is no point in thinking about Philip Hamilton.

Now that she is no longer thinking of Philip, thoughts of George overcome her. She shudders as she remembers the grotesque feeling of his body against her. Her body begins to shake and she feels the threat of tears, but she can see her father headed towards the carriage. She tries to pull herself together for his sake, but she can't seem to get George out of her mind. Theodosia tries everything to get him out of her mind, but there seems to be only one thing for her to think of that could distract her mind from George. So as her father steps into the carriage, Theodosia closes her eyes and thinks about Philip Hamilton.

She sighs as she remembers the blush that spread across each of his freckled cheeks. His hazelnut skin and wide, innocent, green eyes.

Theodosia's eyes fly open. What is she doing? Thinking of Philip Hamilton? There is no point in thinking of Philip Hamilton in that way, there is no way she could ever be with him.

"What are you thinking about so deeply, Theodosia?" her father asks, leaning across the carriage towards her.

"I'm just thinking about umm..." Theodosia struggles to think of something to say, "ummmm... a boy..."

Her father raises his eyebrows, "Really? I didn't think you were interested in boys."

"Ummm, I'm not really interested in boys, there's just one that I may like..."

"Oh, who is it?"

"ummm," Theodosia stalls.

"You can tell me, I won't judge.

Yes you will, Theodosia thinks.

"Ummm... It's ummmm..."

"come on, you can tell me darling."

"Okay, it's umm... " Theodosia furiously tries to think of a name then blurts out the first one that comes to mind, "George Eacker!"

Theodosia and her father both share the same mildly startled expression, before recovering.

"Alright sweetheart, maybe we'll arrange some time for you to meet up."

Damn it, what did I just do?

"Okay, thanks papa."

Once they arrive back home, Theodosia runs up to her room and removes the restricting gown. She fills a basin with water, then scrubs every inch of her body. She can't get the feeling of George's hands off her, so she tries to scrub away his filth. Once Theodosia feels clean, she slips into a nightgown then lays down in her bed. She falls asleep thinking of Philip.

Theodosia wakes up in the morning smiling. She stretches her arms above her head and climbs out of bed. She dresses herself in a pale purple dress and ties on a matching bonnet. She quickly eats breakfast, then heads over to her father's office.

Dear Theodosia: blow us all away (philidosia)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant