Christmas / just feel

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Okay kiddos, I've got two announcements!

A new chapter will be coming out on this story soon! Yeah, I know, I said it was done, but it's not! Here's a little teaser of the next chapter to hold y'all over!


Yeahhhhh, I was just kididng about that being the end of the story (I know, I'm so funny right? hahahahah) Sorry, but Theodosia and Philip still have some more to go through before happily ever after! Their torture is never over! Mwahahahaha! (Jk, the torture will end sometime).

Also, this one is a Christmas special! (I know it's not Christmas lol, but in this fanfic it is!) A little calm before the storm. Enjoy!

Philip and Theodosia have been happily married for 1 month now. They're adjusting to life as a married couple, but things are going great.

Philip got a job working for Mr. Madison and Theodosia got a job as Dolley's nanny. So far their new life is great. Theodosia prefers it's simplicity.

Today she's watching little four year old Will and six year old John at her house. They're sitting on the floor playing with some marbles when Philip comes running into the house, brandishing a letter.

He stops in the doorway for a minute, panting. After he catches his breath, he walks over to Theodosia.

"Hey honey, what's that?" Theodosia asks.

"It's a letter from Angie. My parents are inviting us upstate for Christmas..."

"Really? Can I read it?"

Philip hands Theo the letter and she quickly skims it before handing it back to him.

"Do you want to go?" she asks, looking up at Philip.

"Of course I do, it's my family... do you?"

"I want to go if you want to go. I just want to be sure, your family won't say anything to my father right?"

"No, they would never... especially if they knew the situation."

"Do they know? The situation?"

"Angie knows, but no one else does. I could tell my parents if you want?"

"That would be great, thanks Pip." Theodosia leans up and kisses Philip on the mouth, causing the kids to squeal.

And the second announcement! I've posted a new story! It's a Pipabeth story mainly, but it has lots of other ships in it (mostly non canon ones). So here's the story desription and a little teaser!

 So here's the story desription and a little teaser!

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Annabeth loves Percy. She's known that since she was 12 years old. After they saved the world, Percy and Annabeth decided to try out normal life. They were going to go to college together, get an apartment together, get married. But when Percy came home to visit her for summer break, everything suddenly changed. Annabeth's whole world was turned upside down and she suddenly didn't know what was happening in her future. She didn't have a plan anymore. And most of all, Annabeth missed Percy.
Piper knew she did the right thing breaking up with Jason. Their whole relationship was based off fake memories after all. But if she did the right thing, why did it hurt so much? And why did it seem like Jason didn't care at all? Piper missed Jason so much, but when she tried to get back together with him, it seemed he had moved on. Piper knew she had to move on too, but how could she? How could she, when she was pretty sure Jason was the love of her life?

Teaser: (Annabeth's POV)

Currently I am digging through my closet and looking for something cute to wear, but it all looks like garbage. Why don't I own a single cute piece of clothing? I finally just settle on wearing my camp halfblood t-shirt and a pair of cut-off jeans.

As I'm sitting at my mirror tying my hair into a ponytail, Piper comes bursting into our room.

"Annabeth are you almost ready to go pick the boys up from the airport? Wait, is that what you're wearing?" She stops and looks my outfit up and down.

"Yes, is there something wrong with this outfit?"

Piper gives me a half smile and flutters her eyelashes at me. "There's nothing wrong with it. If you're planning on fighting monsters or something. Percy and Jason have a romantic date planned for us, you need to wear something cute Annie."

I gag at that nickname and turn back to the mirror. Surprisingly, Piper is all about fashion now. It's her major. I guess she's more like her mom than she pretends to be.

"Trust me Piper, this is the cutest thing I own."

Piper makes a low noise in her throat. Something in between a sarcastic cough and a suggestive hmm. She walks over to my closet and throws it open, digging through my clothes.

"Piper stop, you're ruining my organizing," I say, cringing, as she tears things off hangers and digs through my drawers.

"Relax Annie, I'm just doing you a favor. You need to go through your clothes anyways."

I let out a groan and flop onto Piper's bed, burying my face in her pillow. It smells like ashes and mint leaves.

"Pipes, your pillow smells like Valdez." I lift my head up off the pillow and look at Piper who has suddenly stopped digging through my clothes.

Her face is bright red.

"Piperrrrr... why are you blushing?"

"I'm not blushing. Leo and I were just hanging out and he was laying on my bed. Yeah that's believable. Leo and I were just hanging out."

"Piper, what's going on?"

Piper rushes over to the bed and takes my hands. "Okay, you have to promise you won't tell this to anyone. ANYONE. Especially Jason."

"Ummm, okay... I won't tell anyone."

"Especially Jason."

"Especially Jason. Now just tell me what's going on."

Check out my new story and stay tuned for the next chapter of Dear Theodosia! Thanks! Love Y'all!

Dear Theodosia: blow us all away (philidosia)Where stories live. Discover now