3: My dearest, Theodosia

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"Philip are you ready to go?" Angie peers into Philip's room.

"Yeah, just let me write something down," Philip replies.

Angie smiles at him, "You're just like dad, always needing to write something down."

Philip smiles back at her then turns back to his journal. He's happily scribbling away until he notices that Angie is peering over his shoulder.

"That sounds like a love poem," she says, giggling. "Is it for that girl from the ball?"

"It's not a love poem," Philip says, snapping his journal shut, "And I'm not in love with the girl from the ball."

"Did you figure out who she was?"

He hesitates, "yes..."

"Who is she?" Angie cries.



"Yes, but don't worry about it, nothing is going to happen, Father would never allow it."

"Forbidden love!" Angie squeals, "it's so romantic! Just like Romeo and Juliet!" Angie sighs, sinking down onto his bed.

"We're not in love, I've only seen her a few times."

"Wait? Have you seen her since the ball?!"

"Yes, I saw her today."

"Oh my gosh! Tell me everything!"   

"I ran into her at the market, then she left her basket, so I brought it to her at the river's edge, then..." Philip blushes.

"Then what?"

"Then she hugged me..."

Angie squeals, "Oh my gosh! What happened next?"

"She had to go home, so I walked her to the edge of the market. Before she left, she kissed me on the cheek."

"It's meant to be! Philip is in love!" Angie shouts.

"Who's Philip in love with?" His mother asks, walking up to his bedroom door.

Philip groans, "I'm not in love with anyone Ma. Angie's just making stuff up."

"Okay, well it's time to go, come along children."

"Where are we going again?" Philip asks her.

"Your father has some business to do with Mr.Eacker and Mr.Burr, so we're going over to the Eacker house for dinner."

Philip's heart pounds loudly in his chest, "So, the Burr family is going to be there?"

"Yes, as well as the Eacker family."

Philip curses under his breath. At least he'll be there to protect Theodosia from that Eacker boy.

"Angie, Philip, come, we must leave now."

Angie and Philip get up and follow their mother out of the bedroom.

When they arrive at the Eacker household, the Burrs aren't there yet. Mrs. Eacker pulls Philip into a hug.

"Philip darling! You're so grown up! You look so handsome!"

"Thanks, Mrs. Eacker."

"You must meet my daughter, Anna," Mrs. Eacker looks around, "She's around her somewhere, Anna darling! Come here, I have someone for you to meet!"

A minute later a girl comes running down the stairs. She is very beautiful, with her blond hair and rosy cheeks, but to Philip she just doesn't compare to Theodosia. Philip walks over to her and kisses her hand to be polite.

Dear Theodosia: blow us all away (philidosia)Where stories live. Discover now