26: Helpless

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It's been a month.

One month since the day her father sold her body.

For the first two weeks Theodosia couldn't get out of bed.

On the third week, they discovered that Theodosia was still pregnant. Her stomach and been growing bigger still, even after the miscarriage, so Philip took Theo to the doctor. The doctor confirmed that Theo is pregnant. 

The doctor said that he thinks she was having twins and when her father kicked her in the stomach, one of the babies was hurt but the other one survived. Theodosia and Philip both sobbed when they found out.

After Theo found out she was having a baby, she started getting out of bed more. She had something to live for now. A reason to survive. 

A month ago, Philip and Theodosia ran away from home. They moved to a small cottage in a small town across the river.

Life has been good since they moved away. Great even. Up here, the air is fresh and the sky is clear. Theodosia and Philip are living a happy life far away from all their troubles and worries.

Sure Theodosia still has days where she's so depressed she can't get out of bed. And sure, Philip still has nights where he wakes up screaming, plagued by nightmares. But overall things are good. Or at least better.

"Are you ready?" Philip asks, coming into the cottage, grinning.

Theodosia grins back at him, "Yes, I can't wait! I just need to change quick! I'm going to go over to Dolley's house, you can't see me in my dress!"

Philip gently kisses her on the lips, "Okay, my love. I'll see you in a little bit."

"See you in a little bit!" Theodosia kisses him back.

She can finally kiss Philip without being plagued by flashbacks. Before, pretty much anytime he touched her, she would freak out, but now with some distance and air, she's feeling much better and much more comfortable with Philip.

Philip was really supportive and helpful through everything she went through. He was always there for her and gave her space when she needed space. He's a really great fiance.

Theodosia runs outside into the clear winter air, and over to Dolley's house. She gently knocks on the door.

"Hey Dolley! It's Theodosia!"

The door flies open and Dolley comes out, balancing a toddler on her hip.

"Hey, Theodosia! Are you ready to get changed into your dress?"

"Yep!" Theodosia grins, then turns towards the toddler. "Hiya Will! How are you?"

Will nervously sucks on his thumb, "Hi Fadosia."

Fadosia is what Will calls Theo. He can't say Theodosia. 

"Come on in, Theo!" Dolley says, taking Theodosia by the arm.

Once inside, Dolley pulls Theodosia into the bedroom and shoves a massive gown into her arms.

"You want me to wear this?" Theodosia says hesitantly, looking down at the giant poofy, sequined gown.

"Yes, this is what I wore at my wedding to James, go try it on!"

Theodosia obliges her.

When she comes out, Dolley squeals.

"Oh my gosh! You look so pretty!"

"Umm, Dolley, do you have anything... simpler?" Theo gestures at the voluminous skirt, the puffy sleeves and the sequined top.

Dear Theodosia: blow us all away (philidosia)Where stories live. Discover now