27: Merry Christmas

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Yeahhhhh, I was just kididng about that being the end of the story (I know, I'm so funny right? hahahahah) Sorry, but Theodosia and Philip still have some more to go through before happily ever after! Their torture is never over! Mwahahahaha! (Jk, the torture will end sometime).

Also, this one is a Christmas special! (I know it's not Christmas lol, but in this fanfic it is!) A little calm before the storm. Enjoy!

T/W: Self harm

Philip and Theodosia have been happily married for 1 month now. They're adjusting to life as a married couple, but things are going great.

Philip got a job working for Mr. Madison and Theodosia got a job as Dolley's nanny. So far their new life is great. Theodosia prefers it's simplicity.

Today she's watching little four year old Will and six year old John at her house. They're sitting on the floor playing with some marbles when Philip comes running into the house, brandishing a letter.

He stops in the doorway for a minute, panting. After he catches his breath, he walks over to Theodosia.

"Hey honey, what's that?" Theodosia asks.

"It's a letter from Angie. My parents are inviting us home for Christmas..."

"Really? Can I read it?"

Philip hands Theo the letter and she quickly skims it before handing it back to him.

"Do you want to go?" she asks, looking up at Philip.

"Of course I do, it's my family... do you?"

"I want to go if you want to go. I just want to be sure, your family won't say anything to my father right?"

"No, they would never... especially if they knew the situation."

"Do they know? The situation?"

"Angie knows, but no one else does. I could tell my parents if you want?"

"That would be great, thanks Pip." Theodosia leans up and kisses Philip on the mouth, causing the kids to squeal.

Theodosia laughs and ruffles Will's curls.

"Why you kiss uncle Phil, Fadosia?" Will asks.

"Because we're in love, like your mommy and daddy."

Will nods then starts looking around for his snacks, already forgetting about the question he asked before.

"Cwackers," Will says searching the room for them.

John jumps up and grabs Will's crackers off the table. "Here ya go Willy!"

"Tank you Jojo!" Will grins at his older brother as he shoves a cracker into his mouth.

Theodosia crosses the room over to Will and scoops him up. "I think it's time for your nap darling!"

Theo brings him into the guest bedroom and gets him all tucked in in the giant bed. Will falls asleep within a minute, and about 3 minutes later an exhausted John comes into the room. He climbs up onto the bed with Will and falls asleep within a minute too.

"Geez, what did you do to these kids? How did you get them so tired? They always have energy!" Philip says as Theo gently closes the door to the guest room.

"We just played. I took them down to the river to watch the boats," Theodosia replies, fighting off a yawn.

"You're exhausted too, you should take a nap. Also you shouldn't be on your feet too long, you're six months pregnant!" Philip tries to push Theodosia in the direction of their bedroom, but she plants her feet firmly.

Dear Theodosia: blow us all away (philidosia)Where stories live. Discover now