28: The sky's the limit

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A/N: y'all it's an Eliza chapter *insert jazz hands and sparkles here* For the next few chapters we will be taking a little detour with a few side characters. Before this story ends I will be giving a few of the side characters their own chapters and resolutions to their little side things, so here we go!

Make sure to leave comments, I want to know what y'all think of this chapter!

Eliza was home alone. This was the first time she had been home alone in a long time and she relished in the quiet of the house. Having seven kids, Eliza rarely had a moment of quiet to herself.

Eliza swiftly walked into the kitchen to the pantry where they store food. Kneeling down on the hardwood floor, she moved aside a few things to reveal a carefully wrapped bar of chocolate. Breaking off a chunk, Eliza sat down on the floor and put the piece in her mouth. She relished in the sweet taste of the decadent chocolate melting on her tongue. Having time to herself without her kids was certainly time for Eliza to spoil herself. She had the whole day to herself, so she was going to have a relaxing day.

First she was going to indulge in her secret stash of chocolate, then she figured she would take a relaxing bath. After her bath she decided she was going to go out and buy herself a new dress because she deserved it. After all that, she would come home and tidy the house before Alexander and the children got home the following day.

Eliza swore up and down that she had forgiven Alexander, but really she wasn't sure she could ever fully forgive him. What he had done had been so unforgivable and awful, she wasn't honestly sure how she was able to forgive him as much as she did. They had decided to remain friends and Eliza was okay with that. She didn't feel like she needed more than that and she didn't feel like she needed less than that.

Eliza broke off another piece of chocolate and popped it in her mouth. Sighing she closed her eyes. She was ready for a day of relaxing.

When she was finished with her chocolate, Eliza drew herself a bath. When the water was ready, she slowly undressed herself beginning with the ribbon in her hair. Relishing in each step, Eliza slipped off her gown then her stockings and underskirts until she was left in only her corset, chemise and drawers. Eliza carefully removed her chemise, then loosened her corset and slipped off her drawers.

Testing the feel of the water with her foot first, Eliza slipped into the tub. At first the heat shocked her cold body, but she soon grew used to it. Eliza trailed her finger across the steamy surface of the water and sank further into the warmth.

There were no sounds except for the occasional splash of water and the cardinals singing outside. Eliza closed her eyes and leaned her head back. She was the most relaxed she had been in a long time. She slipped her hand beneath the surface of the water and let her fingers trail along her smooth skin. Eliza's fingers glided across her silky skin and she relished in the touch. It had been so long since someone had touched her. Her fingers slowly inched downwards until they were on her inner thighs. Eliza slid her hands forward, but quickly jerked them away when she heard a sudden knock on the door.

Eliza's eyes flew open and she sat up in the bathtub.

"Hello?" she asked timidly, "is someone out there?"

"Missus Hamilton?" a voice called from outside the door, "Missus Hamilton are you in there?"

It was a woman's voice.

"Yes, may I ask who is out there? And why you are inside my house?"

"I'm so sorry about that ma'am, I just was knocking and knocking on the front door and no one was answering, so I tried opening it up to make sure everything was alright in here and the front door was unlocked so I just followed the noise upstairs."

Dear Theodosia: blow us all away (philidosia)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن