31: Non-stop

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A/N: Hammy's turn

honestly tho, I kinda hate Hamilton in my story

So much work to do. So little time.

That's the story of Alexander's life. He's constantly so busy. He misses his children. He misses his wife. And although Eliza and him are no longer in a romantic relationship, she's still his best friend and he has barely seen her in days.

He's finally on his way home from his business trip with Washington and he can't wait to see his family. Before he goes home though, he has a stop to make.

As soon as the carriage stops, Alexander throws himself out the door and runs up the steps, knocking loudly on the front door. The door flies open and Alexander is pulled inside by the lapels of his coat.

He starts to say hi, but his talking is muffled by a kiss. Alexander sighs and closes his eyes, leaning into the warmth of the kiss.

When he finally pulls away, he's practically gasping for air.

"You must've missed me," Alexander says, smirking up at his tall boyfriend.

"It's been a while," John says smirking back.

Alexander laughs then takes John's hand. "I missed you too."

John tugs on his arm, pulling him down the hall but Alexander resists.

"I've missed you and I want to catch up so bad, but I need to go home and see my family, I haven't seen them in days either." Alexander says, looking up at John.

John runs a hand through his thick strawberry blonde hair and sighs, "Yeah okay, but we are going to spend some quality time together soon."

"Okay," Alexander promises.

John walks him to the door then places his hands on Alexander's shoulders. Alex goes up onto his tiptoes then gently kisses his boyfriend.

"I'll see you soon, my love," he promises before walking out the door into the sunshine.

Smiling, Alexander begins the journey home.

When he gets home, Alexander happily calls out "I'm home!" into the doorway of the house. He's greeted by silence.

"Hello? Is anyone home? Eliza? Angelica?" he calls out, stepping into the front entrance.

Alexander searches all over the house, but he sees none of his children, nor does he see his wife. Defeated he goes into his office and collapses at his desk. He has a lot of work to do, but he's feeling too drained to do any work. Instead he pulls out his box of letters.

Sifting through the letters he pulls out a few of his favorites. One from Eliza when he first began courting her, one from Angelica when she was living in London and one from John from their time in the war. Alexander shudders at the thought of the war and quickly puts the letter from John back into the box. He hates to revisit that dark period in his life.

As Alexander begins to read, he gets lost deep in the words, as he often does, and blocks out all other senses around him. While he reads someone downstairs is knocking on the door, but it takes Alexander quite some time to hear the sound. At this point the person is practically punching the door they are knocking so loud.

Alexander jumps out of his chair and in his haste to get to the door, he trips over the lapels of his too long jacket. Stumbling to his feet, he races down the stairs and throws open the front door.

Standing on the other side of the door is a short man with graying blonde hair, watery blue eyes and pudgy, splotchy red cheeks.

"Hello sir, how may I help you?" Alexander asks politely.

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