33: Have fun son!

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A/N: we've got a slight time jump cause I'm too lazy to fill in the space between lol. Basically Burr found Theodosia and brought her back home.

Philip pounds on the door angrily.

"Open up!" he shouts.

After about five minutes of loud knocking, the door finally swings open. Burr's bulking figure fills up the doorway.

"What do you want boy?" he sneers.

"I would like to talk to my wife please."

"Your wife? You have a wife?"

"Yes sir," Philip says through gritted teeth, "your daughter."

"Theodosia is upstairs resting and she's not your wife. She's engaged."

"What?" Philip gapes.

"Your marriage was invalid, it wasn't performed by a real priest and last week, after I brought my daughter home, because she cannot be living with a young man she is not married to, a promising young boy came over and proposed marriage to my Theodosia."

"Who?" Philip demands.

"George Eacker."


Philip stumbles backward. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

"I need to talk to Theodosia!" he shouts.

His vision is going blurry, he's reeling.

"Get the hell off my property!" Burr shouts, pulling out a pistol and aiming at Philip.

Philip leaps off the doorstep and launches into the bushes. Burr shoots his gun all around Philip, laughing like a maniac. He might be a maniac.

Philip crawls out the other side of the bushes and bolts down the street, Burr's murderous laugh echoing behind him.

When he finally makes it home, he collapses on the doorstep, wiping sweat off his brow and panting loudly.

"Fuck," he says in one long exhale.

"What?" a voice asks from behind him.

Philip turns around to see his father standing in the doorway of the house.

"Theodosia's engaged." Philip says dejectedly, dropping his head in his hands, as if he's already given up.

"What do you mean? Aren't you two married?"

"Yeah we're married but according to Burr the marriage was invalid. He took Theodosia home last week while I was on a walk with Angie and engaged her to George Eacker." Philip tastes bile in his mouth.

"George Eacker... didn't he-"

"Yeah, he did."

"Well shit."

"Dad, what am I going to do?" Philip looks up at his father with wide eyes.

Hamilton scrubs a hand through his hair, thinking.

"You could challenge him to a duel for Theodosia's hand in marriage?" he offers halfheartedly.

Philip latches onto the suggestion, wholeheartedly, ready to trust whatever his father tells him.

"That's an excellent idea dad, I'm going to go challenge Eacker right now. I can't let him get near Theodosia, so I need to duel him before he has a chance to."

"Good plan," Alexander says, only half listening.

"I'll be back in a while!" Philip declares, jumping up off the doorstep.

Dear Theodosia: blow us all away (philidosia)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora