4: Theo and Pip

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Theodosia runs to the edge of the balcony and looks down. Philip is gone. She sighs and goes back into her bedroom, sitting down at her desk. She sighs again, Philip called her Theo. She hasn't heard anyone call her that since her mom.

She opens up the letter and begins reading.

Ma chérie, Theodosia,

Theodosia stops reading. He put a comma after dearest. That completely changes the meaning. If there wasn't a comma, this could just be a friendly letter, but with the comma it's a romantic letter. She's his dearest. She, Theodosia Burr, is his, Philip Hamilton's, dearest.

Theodosia continues to read.

Il n'y a pas un jour qui passe sans que je ne pense à toi, à tes yeux.

When she finishes the letter, she sighs and falls back onto her bed. That letter was so romantic, she can't believe it's real. And Philip asked her for a lock of her hair. How will she get that to him?

Theodosia lays in bed, thinking of Philip until she falls asleep.

She wakes up to her father shaking her shoulder gently.

"Wake up darling, we're going to be late to church."

"Yes, Papa," she says. 

"You fell asleep in your clothes again, were you doing work in your bed again?"

"No, I was just tired."

"What's this?" her father asks, holding up Philip's letter.

Theodosia's stomach drops and her throat becomes dry. She swallows back the lump in her throat. Then she remembers that her Father doesn't speak French.

"It's just some French practice that I was doing."

"Oh, I'm glad that you're keeping up on your French studies, your Mother would be happy."

"Yes, Papa. I'll get ready for church now."

"Okay, I'll see you in a little bit.

As soon as her Father leaves, Theodosia grabs the letter and stuffs it back in it's envelope. She sticks it into her jewelry box then goes about getting ready for church.

When she gets home from church, she runs upstairs to her room and sits down at her desk to write back to Philip.

My dearest, Philip,

A day does not go by that I don't think of you as well. I often lay in bed at night and think of your lovely green eyes, your sweet freckled cheeks. Thinking of you comforts me and often the only way I can fall asleep without thoughts of George Eacker haunting me, is to imagine that you are there holding me, keeping me safe. You are keeping me going, Philip Hamilton.

I have decided that if you get to give me a nickname, I shall give you a nickname as well. I am going to call you Pip and you can do nothing to stop me. I think that Pip is an adorable name that suits your adorable personality well.

Please write to me soon Pip, and let me know when we can see each other again. I cannot wait until I can see your face again. Until we see each other again, let this lock of hair represent my affection and devotion to you.

Yours truly, Theodosia Burr

Theodosia sets down her quill, blushing fiercely. Can she really send this to Philip? It's so personal and deep. Everything she wrote is true though, and love letters are supposed to be honest. She decides that she will send it. She'll deliver it to him tonight, along with a lock of her hair.

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