10: Stay alive (part three)

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"Let me walk you home, Philip," Theodosia says.

"I don't need you to walk me home, Theo."

Theodosia laughs, "I know that Pip, I just want to walk with you."

Philip smiles at her, "Okay."

They step outside into the sunlight and Philip takes Theodosia's hand. They walk through town, laughing and talking in the sunshine.

Before they turn onto Philip's street, Theodosia pulls him in the other direction.

"What are you doing?" Philip asks, laughing, "my street is that way." Philip points at his street.

"I have a surprise for you," Theodosia says. She pulls a handkerchief out of her basket, "come here, let me tie this over your eyes."

Philip laughs, "Okay."

Theodosia stands up on tiptoe and ties the handkerchief around his eyes. Then she grabs him by the arms and spins him around a few times. Giggling she pushes him forwards, "walk forward!"

Laughing, Philip stumbles forward. "Where are we going?"

"It's a surprise! That's why I blindfolded you!"

Theodosia guides Philip down the street, making lots of turns to confuse him. Finally they reach the ice cream parlor and she guides him inside. Theodosia leads him over to a table.

"Stay here a minute and no peeking!" she says before going over to make a few orders. As she's ordering the ice cream, Philip's friends come into the parlor, accompanied by Angie.

Theodosia runs over to Angie and gives her a big hug. "Thanks for coming! And for bringing all of Pip's friends!" She whispers.

"Of course!" Angie replies, "Now lets get this party started!"

Angie hangs a banner up on one of the walls and Philip's friends put up other decorations.

Everyone surrounds Philip and he laughs. "Theodosia, why do I suddenly have the feeling that there are people surrounding me right now?"

Theodosia whips off his handkerchief and everyone shouts surprise.

"What's this?" Philip asks surprised.

"It's a surprise birthday party!" Theodosia shouts, pushing some ice cream in front of him.

Philip looks very surprised. "It's my birthday?" he asks.

"Yes!" Theodosia laughs.

Laughing, Angie says, "Did you forget your birthday, Philip?"

"I guess so, what's the date today?"

"July 22nd, silly," Angie replies.

Philip's friend, Georges Lafayette puts a few candles into Philip's ice cream, then lights them.

Theo puts her arm around Philip and starts to sing. When the song is done Theo leans in towards him.

"Make a wish, Pip," she whispers in his ear.

Philip closes his eyes for a moment then opens them and blows out the candles.

"Happy nineteenth birthday Pip!" Theodosia shouts, kissing him.

Philip kisses her back until William Mulligan loudly clears his throat. They break apart and Georges claps.

"Lets do presents!" Angie says excitedly, placing a present on the table in front of Philip. William, Georges and Frances Laurens all place presents onto the table as well.

Dear Theodosia: blow us all away (philidosia)Where stories live. Discover now