41:Everything is so complicated

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"It's been two weeks. Two fucking weeks," Philip says angrily.

"I know, I know, It's stressful having to raise a baby without his mother, but you have me to help and I think Theo just needs some space. Theodosia is clearly going through some things, but she'll come back when she's ready. She's not abandoning you two," Eliza assures Pip.

"How do you know?"

"I just know, Theodosia would never abandon you, she just needs space. She'll be back in no time."

"Okay, well who the fuck is Eston? How does she know him and why the fuck is she staying at his house?"

"I'm not sure sweetie. Let's just give Theo some more space and we'll reach out in a few days to see what's going on." Eliza pats Philip on the shoulder and he sinks back in his chair, sighing deeply.

"Ma, I'm so tired," Philip's voice cracks, "I love Elijah so so much, but I also don't want to be with him every second of my life. I need a break Ma." A few tears slide down Philip's cheeks. "I'm a horrible father for wanting a break from my son, aren't I?"

"You are not a horrible father, you're an amazing father Philip and it's okay to need a break, everyone does. That is why Maria and I are going to watch the baby today and I invited Georges over, he wants to see you."

Philip lets out a sigh of relief, "Thanks ma. I'm going to take a nap now, wake me up when Georges is here or if Elijah needs anything."

Eliza smiles. "I will certainly wake you up when Georges is here, but Maria and I can handle Elijah for a little bit."

Numbly Philip drags himself into bed and immediately falls asleep.

Sometime later he wakes up groggily. The sun is rising outside. Someone is asleep in the armchair in the corner of the room.

"Georges?" Philip mumbles and the person in the chair stirs.

"Pip?" Georges asks.

"How long did you let me sleep? Why didn't you wake me up?"

"You've barely slept in days, I let you sleep through the day and the night while Maria, Eliza and I took care of the baby."

"Oh, well you should have woke me up."

"You needed sleep, you got it, end of conversation."

Philip groans and sits up. "Can you help me into my wheelchair?"

"Yeah." Georges comes over and picks Philip up like he weighs nothing.

As Philip is settling in his chair, Eliza knocks on the door before entering.

"Hey, you two should go do something fun today, Maria and I can watch Elijah again."

"Are you sure mum?"

"Yes, a day with my grandson sounds like an amazing day."

"Okay, I suppose we're going to go out and do something," Georges says, turning to Philip.

"Maybe we should just stay here in case something happens," Philip says.

"Go!" Eliza says.

Georges grabs onto Philip's wheelchair, as he protests the whole time, and pushes him out of the room, laughing loudly.

When they're outside, Georges grips the handles on the wheelchair and takes off running. He runs until they reach the edge of town, until he can't run any longer. At the edge of the forest he stops, panting and tries to catch his breath.

Dear Theodosia: blow us all away (philidosia)Where stories live. Discover now