30: I'm watching it burn

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A/N: It's Maria's chapterrrrr. Alsooo, comments sustain meee

I noticed a lack of comments on the last chapter (Angie's chapter), c'mon guys! I need comments, they keep me sane (hahaha).

T/W: Abuse

Maria's stomach roils with guilt. Why is Eliza being so nice to her? Things would have been so much easier if she hadn't been so damn nice. Maria could have just finished the job then got out of there. She should have just finished the job and got out of there, but she had to go and catch feelings.

James is going to be pissed off.

Currently Maria and Eliza are heading towards Jame's house to talk. Eliza seems to have some sort of plan prepared, involving Maria being dressed as a widow. Maria really hopes Eliza isn't planning on murdering James. Sure he's an abusive asshole, but that doesn't mean he deserves to die.

As they walk, Maria gently nudges Eliza with her shoulder.

"You're not planning on murdering on my husband are you? That would honestly be hot... you shouldn't murder my husband though."

Eliza laughs. Her laugh is clear and light. Almost the opposite of Maria's which is throaty and husky.

"No, I'm not planning on murdering your husband, but I do have a plan, so when we get there just go along with me."

"Why are you doing this for me?" Maria asks.

"Because you deserve a better life."

"No I don't, I'm a terrible person, I deserve James."

"No you don't, you're a good person in bad circumstances and you deserve a second chance at life."

Maria doesn't argue with her, but she still feels guilty.

As they walk together, Maria relaxes slightly. She opens up a little more. She unhunches her back and stands up taller, pushing the hair out of her eyes. She's ready to confront James and this time she won't cower.

When they arrive at the Reynolds house, Maria's heart starts beating faster and her palms get sweaty. She's panicking and tries to think up an excuse to leave when Eliza takes her hand.

"You're going to be okay," she whispers, "I won't let anything happen to you, I promise."

Maria nods and swallows deeply then pushes open the door to the house. Still gripping Eliza's hand, she makes her way down the hallway.

"Where is James most likely to be?" Eliza asks Maria.

"We can check in his office."

Eliza nods and allows Maria to lead the way to James' office. They go into the office together and look around but it's clear he's not there. Maria turns to leave and jumps when she sees James standing in the doorway to his office.

"You're home," James says, slamming the office door behind him and advancing towards Maria. "I thought I told you to get the hell out and stay out... unless, did you finish the job?"

"James, please," Maria says. She glances behind her, looking to Eliza for support, but she doesn't see her. Her stomach twists with anxiety, but she doesn't say anything, not wanting to alert James to Eliza's presence. 

"No Maria, I want to know, did you do the job? If not get the hell off my property and don't come back until you do."

"I did but-"

"Good. Tell me all the details, I want to tear that family apart."

"James, no, I don't want to hurt them," Maria says frantically.

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