25: I think I have a place

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T/W: rape

Philip slowly walks further into the house. Goosebumps prickle up on his skin as he takes in the sight of the house. Tables are knocked over and the curtains are torn. The long rug that is laid out in the hallway has been pushed to the side, as if someone has been dragged across it. Paintings has been knocked off the walls and their frames shattered, leaving broken glass all over the floor.

Philip stops in a doorway and kneels down. There is a small streak of blood on the wall. What the hell happened here?

Philip suddenly whirls around. He heard laughter coming from the kitchen.

Philip creeps down the hallway towards the kitchen and peeks around the doorway. Burr sits at the table with a group of guys. They're all drinking whiskey and laughing loudly.

"Burr," one of the guys slurs, "your daughter was the best I've ever had, thank you." The guy throws his arm around Burr, laughing.

What the hell is that guy talking about? Theodosia was the best he ever had?

Thomas Jefferson then sits down next to Burr. What is he doing here?

"Burr, your daughter is so hot. Especially the way she put up that fight," Jefferson laughs and all the other guys join in.

Burr doesn't join in on the laughter, instead he sits at the table with a cold grin, counting out a thick wad of cash.

Philip's whole body turns cold then hot as he realizes what those guys might be talking about. Philip throws himself around the doorway and starts across the room to Burr. When he reaches him, he wraps his hands around his thick neck, squeezing as tight as he possibly can.

"What the hell are you doing boy?" Burr manages to choke out, tears pouring from his eyes as his face grows redder.

"Where is Theodosia?" Philip asks through gritted teeth.

"What's it matter to you?" Burr manages to laugh, but his laugh is cut off short by Philip squeezing his neck tighter.

"Tell me where she is right now, or I swear to god, I will kill you."

Burr's eyes fill with fear. "Okay, okay, she's in the parlor."

Philip drops Burr onto the ground and runs towards the parlor without looking back.

When Philip reaches the parlor, he tries to open the door but it's locked. He can hear a guys voice inside the room and Theodosia whimpering.

"Theodosia!" he shouts. "Theodosia! Are you okay?"

"Philip?" a timid voice calls out.

"Yes, it's me, don't worry Theodosia, I'm going to get you out of there!"

"Philip, help me!" Theodosia screams, but her screams are muffled.

Philip rams his shoulder into the door, but it does nothing except make his shoulder sore. Philip rams his shoulder into the door over and over again, but it's not doing anything. He keeps on trying, but the door won't budge.

Philip sinks onto the ground, yelling in frustration. "Goddammit!" he shouts. Philip lets out a sob, "Goddammit." What a terrible person he is. He can't even save his fiance from whatever asshole she is stuck in that room with.

Philip stands up and pounds on the door, but it's not doing anything. He throws himself at the door. He throws himself at the door until he's all bloody and can't fight anymore.

"Fuck!" Philip screams, throwing himself at the door again.

Philip sinks onto the ground. He needs to calm down. He needs to think. Force isn't working, so Philip needs to find another way to get in. Philip takes deep calming breaths and lies down on the floor. That's when he sees it.

It's gold glints in the light above the doorway. It's a spare key to the room.

Philip springs to his feet and quickly grabs the key. With shaking hands, he unlocks the door and throws it open.

Philip sees George Eacker lying on top of Theodosia, kissing her body, whilst pinning her down. Theodosia is screaming, but something is shoved in her mouth that muffles her screams.

Philip runs over to Eacker and tackles him off Theodosia, smacking his head into the ground.

"You bastard!" he screams. "You disgusting perverted asshole!"

Philip punches Eacker in the nose, feeling it break with a satisfying snap. Blood flows across his face and Philip punches him again. He gives Eacker a black eye and knocks out his tooth.

Eacker tries to fight against Philip, but it's as if Philip has superhuman strength. He lifts his head up and smacks it into the floor, making George groan with pain. Philip punches him in the mouth again and George spits out blood.

Philip turns around for a moment to check on Theodosia, but she's gone. Philip is about to get up to go find her, but it happens so fast, he doesn't have time to stop it.

Eacker knocks Philip onto the ground, pinning him there. Grinning through a blood filled mouth, he punches Philip. George punches him over and over again until Philip finally passes out.

Philip wakes up about an hour later with a pounding headache. He's lying on the floor in the parlor. No one else seems to be in the room with him. Philip slowly sits up, groaning.

The room spins and sways as he hauls himself onto his feet and Philip grabs the wall for support. He stumbles into the hallway, his vision turning black at the edges. He has to find Theodosia, quick.

Philip stumbles down the hallway and into the kitchen. The kitchen is now empty so Philip stumbles towards the stairs. He starts climbing them, basically crawling on his hands and knees. At the top, Philip stops and takes a break, wheezing. His ribs hurt. Did Eacker hit him in the ribs? He can't remember.

After a moment, Philip gets up and starts stumbling down this hallway. He stumbles until he reaches Theodosia's bedroom. Philip stumbles into the room, looking around for Theodosia.

He finds her lying on the bed, curled up under a pile of blankets. Her body is shaking and Philip can tell she's sobbing.

"Hey," he says in a soothing voice, reaching out to gently touch her shoulder.

Theodosia jerks away from him, pulling the blanket away from her face. Philip can see the fear in her eyes.

"It's just me, Philip. I promise I won't hurt you, okay?"

Theodosia nods and scooches over so Philip can sit next to her on the bed. He holds his arms out to her and she crawls into them. Philip can feel her body shaking and he pulls the blanket over her. Philip doesn't say anything else, he just lets Theodosia cry into his chest.

A little while later, Theodosia sits up and looks at him. "Philip?" she says in a hoarse voice.


"My dad he-" Theodosia sobs. "He- he sold my body. He said he was doing it to protect us. We  needed money and this was the best way to do it. He took those guys' money and let them rape me." Theodosia sobs. The word rings out in the room.

Philip can't believe this happened. "I'm going to kill them all," Philip declares, standing up. "Every man who laid a hand on you, I'm going to kill them one by one, ending with your father. They are going to suffer and die slow, painful deaths."

"Philip, no." Theodosia grabs his hand. "I don't want you to get hurt, I need you," she sobs, gripping his hand tighter, "I need you."

Philip nods and sits back down. "Okay, but you can't stay here. We need to go somewhere. We need to get you out of here."

Theodosia nods. "Where can we go?"

"I think I have a place."

Author's note: Thanks for 1k reads everybody! Love y'all so much and thanks for the support!

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