37: It's only a matter of time

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A/N: I had some serious doubts about this chapter, but here we go anyways

Lemme know what you think lol

Philip opens his eyes and looks around. He is standing in an all white room. Looking down at himself, he sees that he is wearing an all white outfit. White shirt, jacket, pants and cravat. His hair is tied back in a ponytail.

He looks around the room, but doesn't see anything around him, except for a door on each wall. As Philip examines the room, one of the doors suddenly glows gold and opens. George Washington steps out, also dressed in all white. 

He smiles at Philip and waves his hand, creating two white armchairs across from each other.

"Hi son," George says, smiling widely.

"What are you doing here?" Philip asks, "Didn't you die last year?"

"Yes I did son."

Philip frowns, confused.

"Sit down, we have a lot to talk about."

Still frowning, Philip sits down in one of the chairs.

"What's going on sir?"

"Philip, you have a difficult decision ahead of you. You're going to talk to a few people today and we're going to help you make this decision. First I'll start off, do you know where you are?"


"Right now, you are in limbo."

"What do you mean?"

"Limbo is the place between life and death. Well, not exactly just life and death because the world is not black and white. That is why you have four options today."

"So I'm not dead?"

"Not exactly, but you're close. Behind each of these doors is a different path, none of the paths are easy and each leads to a different place. It's your choice which door you walk through, but please don't take this decision lightly."

Philip swallows hard, "Okay. What are all the doors?"

"I can only tell you about my door, someone else will be coming here to tell you about each of the other doors."

"Okay," Philip says, growing more and more confused.

"My door is what some would call heaven. It's not heaven for everyone though, so I will just call it the good place."

"Okay, so if that door is heaven, or the good place, why would someone choose the other doors? Isn't that people's goal in life, to get to heaven?"

"Like I said earlier, the world is not black and white, it's not that simple son."

"Okay, so that door, if I go through it, I'll live eternity happy?"

"Yes, you'll have everything you ever wanted if you go through that door. I chose that door."

"If you get everything you ever wanted, why wouldn't you choose that door?"

"Just wait until you hear your other choices before making a decision son. Also before I go, a word of advice. Dying is easy young man, living is harder."

Philip nods thoughtfully, "oh."

"I have to go now son, remember, things aren't always as they seem." George Washington pulls Philip into a warm embrace before walking back through the golden door.

As soon as he's gone, the next door lights up purple and swings open. A red haired child steps out, wearing a white dress. A few seconds later she flickers then changes into an old man. After that he switches to a bird. Then a woman with chocolatey brown hair. A tall man with dark eyes. A sailor. A doctor. Then finally his Aunt Peggy. The figure seems to settle on Peggy, no longer flickering. 

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