14: The happiest man alive

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T/W: Abuse

After Philip leaves with his Mother, Theodosia decides to lie down for a moment before going home. She's so tired. Too tired to walk home. She climbs up onto his bed, curling up in a pile of his clothes. It's so comfortable. She sighs and closes her eyes, falling into a deep sleep.

When Theodosia wakes up again it's dark outside. She stretches and yawns, then distantly becomes aware of a knocking on the door. She crawls out of the bed and goes over to the door before remembering that she's not supposed to be here. Where's Philip?

Theodosia walks away from the door, over towards the window. She's about to open the window when she notices a piece of paper on Philip's desk with her name on it. Theo picks up the paper and carefully opens it up.


Don't go anywhere. I'll be back later tonight. I'm locking my door, if anyone knocks on it, don't let them in (unless it's Angie). I'll see you tonight, my love.

Love, Philip

Theodosia sets the note back down on the desk then goes back over to Philip's bed. She wonders how long Philip has been gone and when he will return. Theodosia's eyes are heavy. She climbs into Philip's bed, pulling the covers up to her chin. Rolling over, Theodosia inhales the scent of his pillow. It smells like Philip. Like pine and, Theodosia inhales deeper, vanilla. You wouldn't think that a boy would smell like vanilla, but Philip does.

Theo curls up under the covers and closes her eyes. When she opens them again, the sun is rising. Theodosia spent the whole night at Philip's house. She sits up and stretches, then notices Philip sitting at his desk. He's fast asleep with his head down on a pile of papers. Theo swings her feet out of the bed and quietly crosses the room over to him. She leans down and gives him a light kiss on the forehead. A butterfly kiss.

Philip stirs a little bit. She begins to smooth his hair away from his face.

"Mom," Philip whispers in his sleep.

Smoothing his hair from his face, Theodosia notices that the boy's face glistens with tears. She takes a sharp breath, then suddenly, Philip bolts upright. He's breathing heavy and his face is shining with tears.

Theodosia takes his hand and he looks over at her. His breathing gradually slows down as he sees that he's back in his room with Theodosia.

"Hey," he breathes, bringing her hand to his mouth and kissing it.

"Hey," Theodosia whispers back. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm okay, just a bad dream."

Theodosia nods, gently caressing his hand.

Philip stands up and leads Theodosia over to the bed.

"Sit down, I need to talk to you," Philip says, gently.

Theodosia's stomach flips nervously and she sits down. "What is it?" She asks nervously.

Philip stands in front of her and takes her hands. "Theodosia, I didn't know something was missing from my life until I met you, and now I can't imagine my life without you. And I know that sounds stupid, but it's true. I don't think I could live without you. Theo, I want to spend the rest of my life with you, so-" Philip gets down on one knee and Theodosia gasps.

He pulls a small velvet box out of his pocket and opens it up. Nestled in velvet is a small silver ring with a small diamond chip in the center. Theodosia's hands fly to her cheeks. Is this really happening?

"Theodosia Burr, will you make me the happiest man alive and do me the honor of marrying me?"

Theodosia's eyes are wide and she's breathing heavily. "Well, yes, but what about our fathers and-"

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