35: I'm sorry

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Theodosia drifts in and out of dreams. Her world is hazy. She's not fully asleep, yet she's not fully awake either. Both sides pull her in and out, neither one winning over the other. It's a constant war.

Her Father tries to talk to her. She pretends to be too lost in sleep to hear him, although she can hear him.

Theo is now very pregnant. She's three days past her due date and the baby could come any day now. She worries it will come before she's able to see Philip again.

Theodosia is woken from her stupor by a series of small knocks upon her window. She groggily drags herself out of bed, hoping for it to be Philip at her window. She's only slightly disappointed to find Angie outside the window.

Theodosia unlatches the window and the moment Angie tumbles inside she bursts into tears.

"What's wrong Ange?"

"Just read this," Angie says, thrusting an envelope into Theo's hands.

Theodosia sees her name on the front before turning it over. With shaking hands, she pulls the piece of paper out and begins to read.

Dear Theodosia,

How to say to you?

I cannot just allow your father to marry you off to George Eacker.

I have challenged George to a duel. By the time you get this letter, you will either be freed from George or I will no longer be alive. I just wanted to let you know, I love you very much and if I don't survive this, please do not forget that.

I know this is not what you would want me to do, but I cannot just stand to the side and let this happen. At least if I die, I will have done it trying to protect you. I can think of no better way to go.

I love you and our child more than anything in this world and sincerely hope I make it out of this alive.

All of my love, Philip

The paper slips out of Theo's hands and drifts to the floor.

"Shit," she mumbles, "shit, shit, shit. Philip what have you done?"

Angie snatches the paper off the floor and holds it close to her chest. "Theo, what are we going to do?" Her eyes are wide and her voice is small, like a child.

"Do you know where his duel is?"

"In his letter to mum, it says they're meeting in Weehawken at dawn."

Theodosia pushes the curtains aside and looks out the window. The sky has just barely begun to lighten.

"If we hurry, we may be able to stop the duel."

"Do you think we'll have time?"

"I hope so."

Theodosia quickly throws on a cloak and a pair of shoes, before slowly climbing out the window.

"Theo, maybe I should just go," Angie says uncertainly.

"Why? I'm his wife."

"His very pregnant wife who could have a baby at any minute."

"We don't have time for this Angie, we need to go right now."

"Alright, just be careful."

Theo nods and climbs the rest of the way out the window. When they reach the ground, Angie takes off running and Theodosia waddles along behind her. Angie reaches the river much before Theo, so by the time Theo gets there, Angie already has a boat for them.

"Quick, get in!" she shouts, over the wind.

Theodosia slowly lowers herself into the boat and the boatman begins to paddle. The only boatman they were able to get this early in the morning with no money, is a very old man, at least 80, who can barely paddle. It takes them quite some time to get across the water.

Theo can tell Angie is anxious, she keeps tugging on a strand of her hair and tapping her foot against the side of the boat. Theodosia reaches over and takes her hand.

"Hey," she says and Angie looks up at her, "It's going to be okay, Pip will be okay."

"You promise?"

"Yeah, I promise. I would never let anything happen to him."

Angie nods and looks away again. The sky is getting lighter and lighter in the distance and Angie is getting more anxious. Theodosia's not feeling great herself. Her stomach has been tied up in knots all morning.

"Mr. Boatman, is there any way you could get us across the river any faster? We're kind of in a hurry," Angie says anxiously.

"I'm paddling as fast as I can," the old man says, grumpily, and Angie nods.

When they finally reach the other side, Angie eagerly jumps out of the boat before helping Theo out. Angie takes Theo's hand and the two of them take off running, Angie dragging Theodosia behind her. They run to a clearing where Theo can see some figures standing in the distance.

Theo takes a sharp breath when she sees two boys lining up for a duel. One of the boys holds his head up high and raises his gun in the air. She recognizes his movements, almost better than she would recognize her own.

"PHILIP!" Theodosia screams, running closer.

When she's finally in earshot, she screams again, "PHILIP!" They're on seven now.

Philip turns his head slightly to look at her and that's when it happens.


A shot rings out in the air and Philip stumbles backward.

George Eacker stands triumphantly with his gun held out, grinning sickly. Theodosia screams and runs over to Philip. She falls down onto the ground and pulls his head into her lap. His blood soaks through her nightgown.

"Philip," she sobs, "You're going to be okay, everything will be alright."

Philip's eyes drift shut, his breathing becoming shallow.

"Wake up!" she screams, shaking him, but he doesn't respond.

Angie stands nearby, frozen in shock.

Theodosia pulls Philip close to her, sobbing. "You can't die, I need you. I can't do this without you. Please," she pleads.

She searches for his wound but she can't find it, there's too much blood and her eyes are blurry with tears. She falls over onto to Philip, sobbing. Someone starts to pull Philip away from her and she claws at them screaming.

"Ma'am, please calm down, I'm a doctor, I'm here to help."

Numbly, Theodosia allows the doctor to take Philip away. She stumbles to her feet, woozily following the doctor to the river.

The doctor is loading Philip onto a boat and preparing to cross the river. Theodosia tries to get in the boat with him, but the doctor won't let her.

"Ma'am, I'm sorry, but I can't allow you to come with."

"Please, I can't leave him alone!" Theo sobs.

"I'm sorry, but you can't come with."

"What if he wakes up? And he'll be all alone, I need to be there when he wakes up so he's not scared!"

"I'm sorry ma'am," the doctor says with no sympathy, before pushing the boat off the shore and climbing in.

Theo crumbles to the ground, sobbing hysterically. As she cries she feels someone take her hand.  Looking over, she sees Angie, crouched next her, tears silently running down her face.

"I'm sorry," Theodosia whispers, so quiet, she can barely hear herself.

So what do you guys think? Is Philip gonna survive? Comment with your guesses and we'll see who's right.

Dear Theodosia: blow us all away (philidosia)Where stories live. Discover now