Awkward Smile - Jongho (angst, fluff, smut)

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You know.. when your heart starts to beat like crazy when he does something as trivial as eating, there's something more to it. His chubby cheeks moving slowly, his eyes looking at the snack in his hands. I wanted to squeeze his munchkins of cheeks that he had. Kiss his nose, and maybe more.

"Y/N.. You're staring again.." I snap back to reality, and look at my best friend.

"I'm annoyed.. Why does he look like that."

"Are you serious?" He sighs a little lost about my mixed feelings for Jongho. "Ok, now you're staring and glaring, stop it !" He takes my arm and yanks it, making my head almost hit the table as it was resting on the said arm. People turn around to look at the ruckus we just caused and I start pushing him, laughing together.

Apparently me and my best friend, Wooyoung, were an iconic duo around the school. Known as the "egocentric pretty besties". So they were used to us loudly bickering, still finding it entertaining to watch. Which made me realize.. I turn my eyes in his direction. He's still looking at his snack, eating away, completely ignoring Wooyoung that's been trying to make me eat his gym shoe. Just like I thought, he had absolutely no interest in me. We both calm down to continue our lunch when the classroom's door open. A girl walks in with a huge smile on her face and joins Jongho. He finally looks up, and flashes her a gummy smile, scooting to the side to leave her some place on his table.

"Yo Dumdumb !" Wooyoung snaps me back to him once again. "Stop creeping, it's getting obvious." He tries to whisper but anyone knows Wooyoung is a loud little B-word. I hiss at him to shut it and we finish our lunch. Once the bell rings, we all put our tables back and the class starts as the teacher comes in.


"Sooo, McDonalds or Burger King?" Wooyoung blurs out lazily, his arms behind his head, holding his school bag.

"Wow, you're really giving me a huge variety of food there.."

"Choose woman."

"Let's say it on the count of three." We both stop walking and face each other. "One, two, three—"

"Burger King !!" We both yell out and start laughing together in the middle of the street.

"Oh my god, BESTIES !!" He squeals.

"Tots !!" I wink at him.

"I hate us."

"Same." We stop our dumb act and keep walking, breaking out into a laughter. Wait, wait.. I can already see what you're thinking. Oh my god! She likes Jongho but she's so much better with Wooyoung. They're definitely gonna end up together !! Spoiler Alert !! Not gonna happen..

When we get to the said Burger King at the mall. He goes to order and I take a sit at our favorite table. It's never a really good sign if you have a favorite table at a fast food restaurant. It's even worse of a sign when half the staff knows you too. It's worth it though, I mean, it means free fries for us every time ! I put our bags on the benches and look up to a table by the window. Simple table, with four chairs attached to it, and on top of one of them.. Jongho. He's just sitting there, looking down at his burger and eating it slowly. Once again, something so trivial that makes my heart pounce. He chews slowly then looks up out the window with his droopy eyes. He's eating by himself at a Burger King, without staring at his phone like most would do. He's just eating, and looking out the window or down at his food. And even though there was something kind of sad about it, it warmed my heart, and made me feel weirdly fuzzy. I break out of my instance stare when I see Wooyoung's ass suddenly block the view. WAIT !! The fuck, Wooyoung !? Jongho suddenly stands up with his platter and follows Wooyoung that is holding ours, to... THEY'RE COMING THIS WAY !!!! Oh my god, he's getting closer. Oh my god, he's sliding onto the bench in front of me with Wooyoung. Oh my god.. He's sitting right in front of me.

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