Whiny - Wooyoung (fluff)

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My eyes were observing the view and the little breeze only made the experience much more enjoyable. I close my eyes and feel the air caress my face lightly.

"Y/NN..." I here a long whine suddenly in my ear, as I feel arms snake around my waist and a head rest on my shoulder.

"What do you want." I hiss my mood directly shifting from pure bliss to extreme annoyance.

"Let's go over there instead. You've been staring at the view for the past fifteen minutes." My best friend whines letting most of his weight rest on me.

"Stop acting like that Wooyoung, people are gonna misunderstand this."

"It's a little late for that." We both turn our heads to a too-tall-for-his-age Yunho. He does a small head gesture towards a group of girls from our class that whisper to each other while looking at us.

"Ah~ come on it's not that big of a deal~" He coos in my ear again and I sigh.

"You've been so clingy during this trip Wooyoung." I just say back, but he ends up pulling me to where he wanted to go instead of answering. As our senior trip, our class went to Kyoto to visit multiple temples. We were sort of free to do whatever we wanted after the class activities, just as long as we stayed in groups and came back to the hotel on time. I ended up in a group with Wooyoung, Yunho and Mingi, because those two were sharing a room and I was sharing one with Wooyoung. Usually school trips like that don't allow girls and boys to share rooms, but because our town was so small and we had all known each other since day one, the teachers didn't care as much.

I'm finally able to get out of Wooyoung's embrace and touch to join Mingi that was looking at fishes in a pond. I scratch the back of my head and I naturally direct my eyes to Wooyoung's whereabouts.

"You good?" I look down at Mingi that was crouching down to have a better look at the koi carps. He was looking up through his huge round glasses looking like a real kid. However.. He stands up, and his kid like appearance from before disappears.

"Is there a need for you and Yunho to be this tall?" I say more to myself than to him. He just laughs it off but goes back to his question.

"You seem off."

"I'm fine, Wooyoung has just been really clingy during this trip. He always has a hand on me, he holds my hands and hugs me from behind and just all those weird acts of affections."

"I realized that, maybe he's just excited about the trip."

"I guess?"

"Y/N come see this !" I hear the familiar high voice of my best friend. I sigh and give a last smile to Mingi before heading towards Wooyoung.
I had just came out of the shower, my hair still a bit damp on my back that was only covered by a small loose tank top. I was sitting on the Japanese futon we were given trying to figure out the little toy I had in my hands that Yunho had gotten for me. I suddenly hear the door open and close.

"Yah Wooyoung, do you mind getting us drinks?" I say without turning around. I don't hear anything back and as I'm about to turn around a body falls on me, taking me down with them, arms around my waist.

"Y/N~" I hear the familiar whining.

"Wooyoung stop!"

"Y/NNN~" He whines only more and I just stop fighting, the toy still in my hand, I just decide to go back to it while the whiny boy spoons me.

"Are you ok Wooyoung?"


"Why have you been so clingy? Since we left the school yesterday evening." I move my legs a little and realize that our legs are tangled together. Thank god no one was here or there would definitely be a misunderstanding.

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