Daydream 7 - Wooyoung (angst, fluff)

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Pairing: Wooyoung x reader

Genre: Angst, fluff

Word count: 2.7k

Warnings: None

I look down at my phone, not being able to concentrate on my work. I know Wooyoung needed rest but I felt bad leaving him alone like that. I try to focus back on my work when I hear some fumbling besides me. My ex sits down at his desk without acknowledging me. All of my muscles tense and I realize that I forgot to report him. I curse at myself as blood starts to boil in my veins. Out of fear and pure anger for what he did. I finish up the report I was working on then get up to the upper manager's office. I knock slightly on the door, my cheeks burning up out of shame for what was about to happen.

"Yes?" I open the door slightly and I'm greeted with my smiling boss. "Y/N! Hey, what's going on? How can I help you?"

"Well, I finished my report and—"

"Oh, you know you can just send that to me via email."

"It's.. about something else actually.." I close the door behind me and she suddenly looks serious.

"What is it?"

"I've had some issues with someone from the work place."

"What kind of issues?"

"It's.. my boyfriend.. I mean.. my ex. He showed some abusive signs and.."

"Y/N.. Come sit down. I'm gonna need you to be a little bit more precise. What happened?" I go to sit down in front of her. I felt like I was bothering her with some dumb relationship issues, but the fact was I did not feel safe anywhere near him.

"I don't feel safe around him. He pushed me in the park yesterday and I bruised my knee bad." I show her the huge bandage decorating my knee. "That happened right out there." I point to the park that could be seen from her windows. "Then, I told him to stay away from me and not to contact me, but last night he showed up at my house after sending me a huge amount of messages. I'm talking over 300 messages in the span of an hour or so. Then.. He hurt my friend really badly, he had to go to the hospital and now he has a bad concussion."

"Y/N.. Those are some serious accusations you're talking about. Have you talked to the police?"

"No yet.. I stayed by my friend's side last night. It happened quite late. Then I just came into work this morning. I guess I didn't have the time.."

"Alright.. I'm gonna give you the rest of the day off. Go to the police station first. Report him, then go home and rest. It seems like you could use it. The next few days, just work from home. You can come back next week and hopefully by then we'll have him moved to either a different department or fired from the company completely. The later being ideal, but because those things did not happen on company property, I'm not sure how it's gonna work."

"Isn't the park company property?" She looks at me for a bit then raises an eyebrow.

"You might just be right.. You have witnesses right?"

"My friend was there actually, and some of his friends.. They're students at the university."

"Alright, then I'll keep you updated. Go home now. Let me know if you need anything."

"Thank you so much.."

"No, thank you for taking the initiative to report him. God knows what goes on in these men's mind sometimes.." She sighs looking actually tired. I smile at her before saying bye one last time and leaving the office for the day.

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