Play Time - Yunho (smut)

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"Come on smile~" Yunho coos in my ear, his arms wrapped around my waist and his chin resting on top of my head.

"You know.. Being forced to go to a theme park in the middle of finals is not something I'm specifically happy about Yunho.."

"You needed to relax though." He smiles at me, and I try to hide mine. No matter how against I was on some of his ideas, I could almost never say no to him. Just seeing his big sparkly eyes and his pointy smile, my mouth would say yes before my brain could react.

We decided to go to the theme park with some friends, and we've been in line for food the past 10 minutes. We were just really waiting to pay as all the food was pre-prepared and only consisted of sad looking chicken fingers and soggy fries. Because of the more than unreasonable price, me and Yunho decided to share one. After paying half a college tuition worth of fries and chicken, we were lucky enough to find a small table on the side of the huge cafeteria. Everyone got a sit in the booth except me.

"Really guys?" I look around to see if I was lucky enough to find an unused chair, but I feel an hand pull me directly into Yunho's laps.

"We're sharing, just sit on my laps~"

"PDA much you guys? Thanks for making us feel single.." Wooyoung says with a playful frown on his face.

"Just look the other way if you're salty~" Yunho coos once again today as he wraps his arms around my waist.I sigh not really fighting the situation and start shoving the weirdly good fries in my mouth. I mean, when it's the only meal you've had today, the taste does change a whole lot.

As everyone starts to talk about random things concerning their majors, Yunho and I just start talking about our own things. Which made me realize how much I loved him. No matter where we were, and with who we were with, he was always able to built this little bubble around us, making it as if no one was around us. However the bubble pops when San asks me a question about a class we have together.

As I speak to San and get really involved into the conversation. My butt naturally moves from side to side. I laugh with them and my whole body shakes. I get excited, and I wiggle lightly. I get interested and I moved forward putting more pressure well.. on my poor boyfriend's crotch. I only realize the damage when I feel his hands firmly grabbing my hips to stop me from moving. As I'm about to turn around to ask him what was wrong, I feel him twitch lightly under me making me jump slightly out of surprise. He leans towards my ears.

"Please stop moving.." So I don't know if I mentioned it before, but I'm a genius. So I decided to do the smart thing in this situation.

"What did you say?" I say loud enough for everyone to hear.

"Nothing." He laughs awkwardly. I decided to tease him as a revenge for forcing me into activities I'm not up for. I know.. pretty fucking smart. Didn't graduate 56th of my class for nothing.

The conversation keeps going for a bit and I keep up with my subtle moves. Making him twitch even more and even groan lightly causing San to ask him if he was alright. I smile at my results, until Wooyoung decides it's time to leave. San and Wooyoung leave first, running out, being excited to go on another ride. As I turn around to ask Yunho what he wanted to do, I see him with a huge blush on his face trying to painful hide the very much obvious bulge in his pants. I put my hand over my mouth acting shocked, I honestly am kind of shocked, I never imagined him to be so... big?

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