Daydream 5 - Wooyoung (fluff)

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Pairing: Wooyoung x reader

Genre: Fluff

Word count: 2.3k

Warnings: Small kissing scene, cheating

Wooyoung's girlfriend doesn't seem to want to leave the apartment. Which will kind of put a stop to Wooyoung's plan of wanting to come back with me to my place after his class. I finish up some work as she sits on the couch wearing barely anything. I look up to San and he tries to smile at me reassuringly. This was awkward, I could feel that San had so many questions for me, and I had a lot of questions for him too but.. In Wooyoung's girlfriend's eyes, we were dating.

"So wait what do you do?" She speaks up and I look at her.

"What do you mean?"

"Aren't you like, our age, but you already have a job?"

"I do yes."

"So what do you do?"

"I work as a project manager at a graphic design company. The one that's right by the campus."

"That sounds cool~" She smiles, then looks at me for a bit. I raise an eyebrow a bit weirded out by her behavior. "You look familiar."

"I do?" I look at San quickly and he just raises his eyebrows not knowing what to do.

"Did you go to high school here too?"

"I—I did yes."

"So you know Wooyoung from high school?"

"I.. actually yes I do."

"Were you like.. close to him or?"

"No, not specifically, I think I had a few classes with him."

"Oh, I see, I see. Then, yeah you probably saw me with him a lot if you knew him." Wait what?

"What do you mean?"

"I was with Wooyoung like all the time in High school. We spent our summers together and even our school time together. We were like inseparable." Ok, this girl is literally trying to pass off as me.

In front of me. The second hand embarrassment that I got for her is indescribable. I look at San and he just looks like he's trying not to laugh. I smile at him then turn back to Wooyoung's girlfriend.

"You know what.. I think I remember now, yes." I lean onto the table to rest my head in my hand and I smile at her. "You guys were so cute together. Really couple goals~"

"I know~ I'm pretty lucky to be high school sweethearts with him." I bite down on my lips to try and keep my smile from coming out. I turn to San once again, he's having more and more trouble keeping his laugh inside.

"I'm back!" Seonghwa chimes like a real mom as he enters the dorm. "Oh, you're here."

"Yeah, I'm waiting for Wooyoung to come back from his class."

"Cool." He turns to me then sees me and San on the verge of bursting out in laughter. He gives us a confused look as he sits on a chair next to me to attend to my open wound. "You guys ok?"

"We were just talking and I learned that Wooyoung and his girlfriend are high school sweethearts." I smile at Seonghwa, given his expression, he knew who I was and he knew what made us laugh so hard.

He bites down on his lips as he starts to clean my wound, obviously trying not to laugh. Seonghwa then casually whispers to me that the third guy present, Yeosang, usually hides in his room when she's present. Suddenly the main door open onto a really, really pretty looking guy. He smiles at his suit mates, gives me an interrogating look then his eyes travel to the couch and sees Wooyoung's girlfriend.

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