Fortunate Accident - Seonghwa (fluff)

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    "Ah FUCK!" The insult resonates into the mic for everyone to hear. A bead of sweat directly forms itself on my temple as I let myself down onto the black floor. Can it get any better? I just cursed in front of a huge crowd, and fellow idols, while performing with my group for the award show. Actually it can.. the reason I just cursed is because I just threw my back like a fucking idiot. I stay on the floor holding my back as my members hesitate to continue. However, my leader is one strong leader, she doesn't care much about her image, nothing comes in front of her members which made her run to me and yell at someone to get paramedics.

    "You ok there Y/N?"

    "Well.. My back is stuck and I'm in extreme pain." I say taking my mic off to keep the TMI to myself and not to alarm too many people. She takes off her mic too and holds my hand.

    "You'll be just fine, I told you you were overworking yourself idiot.. Can I please get someone here !!!" She then yells at staff members that start running everywhere to get me out of the stage. After this, I know that our leader will pop a cable at someone once we get back at the company. She was on the fence about the choreography due to how dangerous it was but we were pushed to make it happen. Now that me, her precious maknae was hurt, someone will for sure die tonight.

    "You ok?" The staff next to me asks me as they transport me to a changing room.

    "I guess?"

    "We're gonna put you into our changing room, someone will check you out real quick then we might need to take you to the hospital."


    "I'm sorry Y/N, let's just hope it's not too bad."


    I've been on the floor of my changing room for about ten minutes now. People came in and out looking worried and asking me questions. Some cameras tried to get in but my manager kicked them away quite literally. Finally, everything calms down and I'm left alone with a single staff member who I was kind of close to. She was sitting on a chair on her phone while all I had to stare at was the ceiling. Suddenly, we hear a faint knock and the door opening itself.

    "Excuse me.."

    "Mhh?" I try to look but can't really move my neck, I turn my eyes to my staff which I could see as she was sitting next to me, and see her face turn bright red. "Who is this?" I try to whisper without much success.

    "Park Seonghwa from Ateez."

    "Wrong room buddy." I just say thinking that would drive him away.

    "Uh?" My staff member turns to me not believing what I just said.

    "Actually.." I hear him say and then the door closes behind him. "I just came to check up on you Y/N." How the fuck does he know my name.

    "Ok, well I'm doing amazing." I hear a chuckle and he comes next to me, making it finally easy to see him. He stands next to me and then crouches down to smile at me.

    "Are you really? Then why didn't you stand up to say hi to a more experienced idol?" I squint my eyes at him.

    "Why are you here?" He looks up at the staff and she takes it as a sign to get out. Once she closes the door behind her, his eyes come back to me.

    "To ask you out."

    "To ask me what where why?" He laughs lightly.

    "I've been trying to ask you out for awhile but it's hard. You girls are always together and your leader is scary. Plus every time I've tried to talk to you at shows and so on, you ignore me."

    "I do?"

    "Maybe not on purpose. I would usually try to be friends with you first but it feels like this is such a rare opportunity."

    "So you saw me throw my back on stage and said to yourself 'here's my opportunity, she can't run away this time.'" I start laughing lightly but wince at the pain.

    "You ok?"

    "Yeah." I just smile at him. "You're interesting."

    "So are you."

    "Fine, if you can get my phone in my jacket over there." I point with my index finger. "Just put in your number and text yourself."


    "And that's how I met your dad."

    "Seriously? That's kind of.. I don't know weird."

    "Sounds creepy."

    "Well if it wasn't for that, you guys wouldn't be born." I spit at my two kids.

"I don't think the story is too bad." Seonghwa says.

    "You guys were idols, I was expecting it to be more romantic than that."

    "Well this is as romantic as it gets."

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