Chapter 22: Final exams

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It turns out we had final exams in a week, and we would be going to a camp if we passed. After he explained everything, the rest of the week was very laid back after the Kefla incident.

-----TIME SKIP Brought to you by Made In Heaven-----

My weekend was mostly studying and training Super Saiyan 3 for the exams. Soon, the day of the finals came. The written exam was pretty easy at times, but, just from the stress, I almost went Super Saiyan. Finally, it was the practical part. Students were paired up and would face off against a teacher. The teacher and the partners would correspond to your weaknesses and relationship. So Midoriya and Bakugo got paired up and were facing All Might. For me, I was by myself because of my power surpassing All Might. I have to go last. No one in the class knows who I'm up against. Only the teachers know. The only thing they told me was I have to handcuff or nicely knock out my opponent, and I have to wear 100 Kelo wristbands. Today, I am wearing Saiyan armour that looks like Lord Vegeta's.

 Today, I am wearing Saiyan armour that looks like Lord Vegeta's

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Recovery girl: "Alright, (Y/N) it's your turn."

Ochako then walks over to me and hugs me.

Ochako: "Good luck!"

(Y/N): "Thanks."

I then walk out to the arena and wait for my opponent. All of a sudden, All Might landed on the ground and, makes a cloud of smoke. Once the smoke clears, I see All Might, Eraserhead, and Midnight."

(Y/N): "Wow! I have to fight 3 Heroes!" I say in excitement. 

Eraserhead: "No, you have to fight 5 teachers."

(Y/N): "five? Where are the two other teachers?"

???: "I'm not a teacher."

A shadowy figure comes out from one of the alleyways. My eyes widen at the sight of the Number 2 hero: Endeavor.

(Y/N): "Endeavor!? Alright, this is going to be awesome!!"

Endeavour: "You're seriously going to make me fight this kid, with All Might?"

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Endeavour: "You're seriously going to make me fight this kid, with All Might?"

All Might: "Oh, don't worry, he can take it. He could destroy the whole planet if he wanted to! HaHaHa!"

(Male Saiyan reader X Ochako Uraraka) The Saiyan And The strong-willed WomanWhere stories live. Discover now