Chapter 2: Who would win!? All Might or Y/N

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Y/N: "WHAT?"

B/N: "Yeah there are tons of tv reporters outside, before I came in one lady asked if you were home..."

Y/N: "Yare Yare, I don't need this, tell them I'm not home." 

B/N: "..........You know you left your blinds open right?"

Y/N: "No I did no-" 

I was soon cut off by a yelling reporter tapping on my glass window asking if I could answer some questions.

Female Reporter: "Hello? Mr. L/N? could you just answer a few questions, I promise you they are short."

B/N: "Welp looks like you have to answer some questions." he says with a devilish smirk

Y/N: "Fucking hell why does it take to get peace..." I say as I get up to go answer some SHORT questions.

As I walk outside I see a small crowd cheering me with posters saying I'm the next all might.

Y/N thinking: "Jeez how many views does that video have?!"

Female Reporter: "So Mr. L/N can you answer some questions that I have?

I took a sigh knowing they might have to come into my house so I can at least hear the questions. 

Y/N: "Yes I'll answer your questions but you might have to come inside."

Female Reporter: "Oh! why thank you for your hospitality."

As I close the door after the female reporter and her cameraman come in, I thought I saw Ochako standing among the crowd. I stopped time to make sure it was her and to my surprise it was her but she was really red.

When time started to move again I decided I would talk to her after all this. We all sat down in my office room where most of my hero concept suits were and tons of items that belonged to my dad.

Y/N: "So," I said as I sat down in a chair where my desk is. "What are your questions?"

Female Reporter: "Right, remember to record everything okay?" she said to the cameraman

Cameraman: "You got it," he said with a smile

Female Reporter: "Okay first question: what school will you be attending?" 

Y/N:" U.A," I said without a second thought

Female Reporter: "recommendation or entrance exam?"

Y/N: "Entrance exam"

Female Reporter: " So you're telling me you are betting your hopes on getting in instead of going into the school through a recommendation?!"

Y/N: "Yes I am, my teacher did not recommend me to go since he has never seen my quirk before. I'm pretty sure he thinks I'm quirkless." I say with a chuckle "Any other questions?"

Female Reporter: "Yes, do you think with enough training you could better than the symbol of peace All Might? 

My eyes widened at the fact she asked the question then I remembered what lord Vegeta said once...


3rd person POV

God of destruction Vegeta: "Your body can only use the kaio-ken and the first Super Saiyan form due to the fact you've felt anger over the murder of your parents, but because you have that stupid time-stopping ability the Super Saiyan was never activated in you the time-stopping power was."

(Male Saiyan reader X Ochako Uraraka) The Saiyan And The strong-willed WomanWhere stories live. Discover now