Chapter 6: doubts and Soul Punishers

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In the morning, Ochako forgot all about last night so I didn't mention it at all. Whis came over and wanted Ochako and me to train with him in the hyperbolic time chamber. We are going to be training there for the weekend which is equivalent to 3 years of training. Our first day was helping Ochako reach a higher base level. The second day was against each other.

Y/N: "Don't worry Ochako I'll limit my power level to yours okay?" 

Ochako: "Alright"

One day in here can change so much as I limit myself to kaio-ken X3 which was Ochako's full power. I let Ochako strike first and soon realized she learns as she fights. The battle lasted 3 hours (in the outside world at least) I barely won the battle due to the kaio-ken takes a strain on my body. The third-day Ochako and I fought Whis, After we lost to him I had to test my full power since I never had to. I used Super Saiyan with the Kaio-ken X4 to boost the Super Saiyan multiplier.

Ochako: "Y/N your full power is on par with All Might going 70%!" She yelled holding her scouter.

Whis: "Very interesting using Super Saiyan and the Kaio-ken at the same time tell me Y/N, how long can you hold the transformation?"

Y/N: "For an hour at least."

Whis: "Well I suggest you work on getting Super Saiyan 2 instead of relying on that technique."  

Y/N: "Don't worry I am still training for that."

Whis: "Oh it appears there is something at your home." Whis says as he looks at his staff's orb while I was talking. "Shall we?"

Y/N: "Yeah let's go," I say as I grab Ochako's hand and look at her with a smile, she smiles back

As we teleport back to my house Whis smiles at us and leaves. As we open the door to my home we see an envelope with the initials "U.A". As soon as I read the initials I use Instant Transmission to teleport to Ochako's house with her. Ochako opens her house door and sees a U.A envelope as well and grabs it off the ground

Y/N: "Do you know what this means?

Ochako: "U.A...."

As we both sit in on the couch in my house, we open our letter we both get a video of All Might saying we made it into U.A. I was thrilled that we were both accepted, but as I look to Ochako to see her reaction I see her crying.

Y/N: "Hey, why are you crying?"

Ochako: "What if I'm not a good hero?" she says with tears dripping down her face

Y/N: "You have been training with me for technically 3 years. There is no way you can't become a hero."

Ochako: "you really think so?"

Y/N: "Hell if we stick together we could be the strongest heroes." I say with a smile on my face knowing a joke can cheer up anyone...

Ochako: "Heh your right let's do this!!" She gives me a hug and cheers.

But to make things bad Ochako's parents called... she put the phone on speaker so I could hear her as well.

Ochako: "Hello? Hi mom I just to into U.A!!!!"

Ochako's mom over the Phone: "WHAT!?!?! congrats honey I wish I was there."

Ochako: "Wait why?"

Ochako's mom over the Phone: "We have to work another week in this city I'm so sorry we can't come home yet."

Ochako: "Oh ok."

Ochako's mom over the Phone: "We will call you after your first day of school bye!"

(Male Saiyan reader X Ochako Uraraka) The Saiyan And The strong-willed WomanWhere stories live. Discover now