Chapter 30: "I already have a special move..."

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I was grinding so hard on Fire Emblem three houses, I totally forgot about updating these, I'm soooo sorry. I also want to say that I've been inspired to probably make a third story, but I want to hold a vote to see what people would read.

Option 1: Fire Emblem three houses x male reader. (If this one wins, I'll have a vote on who the love interest(s) are.)


Option 2: Fire Force X male reader. (IF this one wins, I'll have a vote for the love interest as well.)


Option 3: Something entirely different.

Also, I was in a rush to make this chapter, so I'll try making the next one good. But first, I need to go make my 1k special for my other story.

~Back to the story~

The next day after the dorm competition, the 1-A students arrived at class with a new goal in mind.

Mr. Aizawa: "I believe I mentioned this yesterday but for now, Class 1-A of the hero course will be focusing on getting their provisional licenses."

Class: "Yes sir!"

Mr. Aizawa: "A hero licence bears with it the great responsibility of human life. Of course, the exam to receive one is very difficult. Even the provisional license has only a 50% passing rate each year."

Majin (Y/N): inside (Y/N)'s head, "Do you think we can kill?"

(Y/N): Thoughts "No."

Mr. Aizawa: "That's why today, we will have each of you come up with at least two..."

The classroom door then opens showing three teachers. Midnight, Cementoss, and Ectoplasm.

Mr. Aizawa: "...ultimate moves."

Majin (Y/N): inside (Y/N)'s head, "The fuck are ultimate moves?"

(Y/N): Thoughts "I guess a finisher move..."

Majin (Y/N): inside (Y/N)'s head, "Fuck, we have tons of those."

Mr. Aizawa: "...Change into your costumes and meet in Gym Gamma."

-----Time Skip-----

As everyone started working on ultimate moves, (Y/N) stood in a small arena for him and a clone of Ectoplasm.

Ectoplasm Clone: "So Prince (Y/N), will you be using the form you used against All For One?"

(Y/N): Sigh "Yeah... Just give me a sec..."

When (Y/N) was about to transform into Ultra Instinct, he and the whole class were interrupted. 

???: "OI! (Y/N), Ochako! Get your asses over here!"

The whole class stopped at the sound of an unfamiliar voice. The class then went to where the voice came from. To the teachers and students, the people who stood there were nothing, to (Y/N) and Ochako it was a God and his attendant.

Mr. Aizawa: "Who the hell are you!?"

All the heroes got into battle poses, but before they could do anything, (Y/N) and Ochako get on one knee and bow in front of Vegeta. Everyone was shocked to see this, as they know (Y/N) is the strongest person they know.

(Y/N): "Lord Vegeta, please forgive them, we have not told them about you."

Ochako: "You're not here to destroy the planet right?" 

Vegeta: "No. I have come for no such thing."

Mr. Aizawa: "(Y/N), you know these guys?"

(Y/N): "Yes, he is the God of the universe."

(Male Saiyan reader X Ochako Uraraka) The Saiyan And The strong-willed WomanOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora