Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

His name was Carter Forbes.  And how did I know that the man we took prisoner had that name? Well the man formally introduced himself to me in a manner that almost made me confused.  Shouldn't he be screaming and cussing at us? 

He continued speaking, once again only aiming his words at me.  "And Albany?"  This time I couldn't fully ignore him.  I ended up turning around in my seat again where I was sitting up front.  Neck craning, I stared into his bright blue eyes that found mine, lit by the early blue shaded sky.  They were chillingly calm and not faltering.  "I genuinely am honored to be in your presence. You are looking quite lovely - especially this early in the morning."  The last words he let flow from his lips were more harsh and sarcastic.  After all, I was still covered in blood.  At least I managed to get the flung drops off my face. 

We have been driving for quite a while - and very fast too might I add.  Jackson was just in need to get as far away as we could from that motel.  None of us spoke the whole time.  Except the guy Luke held handcuffed in the back obviously.  Upon speaking those words to me though, I spoke just as calmly back. 

"I can't express how much that fucking means to me," I said, my tone packed full of sarcasm and disgust.  I narrowed my eyes on his and for a moment, gripping the back on the seat with a hand to keep me steady.  "Don't talk to me," I hissed at him, stressing my words.  My eyes then darted over a little to see Luke's curious eyes on me too.  He looked almost guilty but didn't say anything before I turned back around in the front seat fully.  It was a relief to stare out the windshield to the gently paling sky this morning.  I didn't need that sick man's eyes or words aimed at me.  I didn't want to deal with him for whatever reason he was here. 

I welcomed the sight of Jackson more too.  Rubbing my hands nervously up and down my legs and thighs, I took him in.  Anything but that guy Carter and my bloody body - or my now very red hands picking up the blood on my legs.  Jackson wasn't a pretty sight either though; just a bit better.  He was sitting up straight, filled with nerves and anger radiating from every point of him.  Eyes were wide with a clenched jaw, looking flat forward on the road ahead.   I guess he at least wasn't as bloody as I was but not by much; we were both spotted up is the best way to put it.  I understood that only helped make him more tense.  As well as the many other things....

He didn't know what was going on, why Luke would take this guy with us, or what would happen.  And even more, he was pissed off at how Luke took charge and didn't listen. Besides me, nobody ever went against Jackson.  It was evident not long after the weird guy spoke.  Jackson was done leaving everything contained inside.

We were still driving out in the country.  It was a good thing we were the only ones in sight on this road.  Especially because Jackson surprised us all - and made me jump - when he slammed on his brakes.  We screeched to a stop with overworked tires, jerking all of us forward before back with finality. It all happened within a second and my mind went into panic mode. I instantly thought something horribly wrong happened.  Instead, it was just stupid. 

Nobody said a word. We were all just shocked and unsure of what to think.  Jackson did though.  He stopped only to unbuckle, unlock the doors, and open his.  The interior car lights went on, brightening what was mainly just dim shapes before.  My eyes however were on the man who opened the door and got out swiftly.  I turned my body to the left and stared as he stepped out and turned towards the back of the truck.  He walked over to the back car door, flung it open, and grabbed the man Luke had cuffed.  I watched him grab the man's shirt, and jerked him towards him.  I could just catch how stone faced the dude was, his eyes down as he stumbled out of the truck by Jackson's hand. 

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