Chapter 75

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Chapter 75

My soaked body and hair was dripping water onto the carpet. Nothing but a towel tucked under my arms and around me, the cold air invaded my skin. Yet, my arm hairs stood on end for a different reason.

Staring at Luke, my mind was racing. Fear, panic, and anger ambushed my brain. Reid's husky voice came through the phone again between us. "Did you find the note I left in Michelle Tate's apartment?"

"U-Um, yeah," I said, trying to stay focused. This man was the source of our hell. He has Brooke! What if I say something that makes shit worse? Jesus, I could not freak out and it was extremely difficult.

Luke at least had faith in me – or rather understood the importance of this phone call. Holding out the phone, gesturing for me to take it, I did. Then, his crutches assisted him in quickly leaving the room.

"Good. And have you and your ass kissers arrived at the consensus that you'll comply to my terms?" he asked casually.

Strangely enough, his tone calmed my nerves enough to be myself. "Obviously. Do you have to even ask?" I growled.

A laugh was released through the phone receiver. "You can't blame me for checking. These past months, I've learned you'll do anything to not be captured."

"When you drag an innocent girl into this, not anything."

The door of the motel room flung back open. Luke rushed back in with Jackson behind him. Stress and surprise caressed their expressions, but it was nothing compared to Francis. He rushed into the room too, jaw tight and bloodshot eyes at strict attention. None of them said a word as they stood before me. Francis made a point to stand right next to me, eyes flicking between me and the phone.

"Well, since you have good judgment and agreed to adhere to my conditions, we need a place. I was thinking we meet on the outskirts of Wickword Nature Preserve. Nobody would get in our way and the location is easily accessible."

Looking down to the phone, a droplet of water fell from my nose and landed on the screen. I wasn't sure what to say. Where was this place? Would it be a good location for Luke and Jackson to execute their plan? Then again, it did not matter. What mattered was getting Brooke back. The last thing we want is to cause an issue or raise Reid's suspicions.

"That works," I said, clearing my throat. Across from me, I could hear Jackson sigh heavily. Glancing up to him, his wide eyes searched aimlessly in thought. Despite his flustered state, I continued speaking to Reid. "I just want this to go as smooth as possible to ensure Brooke is safe."

"You don't need to worry about the little one. Your father can validate I'm a man of my word.

The father in question stormed further into the room. He grabbed a piece of stationary and a pen from the table. While he quickly scribbled something down, Francis jolted in anxiety at Reid mentioning his daughter. His lips moved with the temptation to speak. But an emotional Francis speaking to his daughter's captor was not a good idea.

I spoke before he could. "Uh-Um, well, believe me, Jackson already reassured me of that. We still...." Jackson rushed back into sight and held up the paper. It sloppily said, 'Ask details. Time, people, exchange.' I fumbled over my words. "Uh... we just want to be safe and know more. So, what else? I mean what time—"

"Albany, I wouldn't dare think you took this call without supervision," Reid interrupted with amusement. He could clearly tell I wasn't alone. "If anyone has anything to say, any questions, they can ask it themselves. I am sure my old friend is anxious to know more. You always were thorough, Jackson."

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