Chapter 51

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Chapter 51

The sizzling bacon tempted me to burry my face into the burning hot pan. It smelled so freaking good, I could hardly stand it. I needed to remember I couldn't shovel it all into my fat face though. Nope, this was for Luke too.

The bags under my eyes didn't dim my excitement as I flipped over the pieces of bacon before tending to the eggs. Stretching our playfulness into today might be too much to ask for, but I had to be greedy and try.

Driving home yesterday after our wonderful day, I honestly was nervous. We had such a fun day, I was scared that returning home would ruin it. I am happy to report it didn't. From the time we left the festival, went out to dinner, then got home, nothing changed. The sweet and light air didn't fade. I wanted to believe it would continue today.

My anxiousness for more sweet flirty moments didn't mean there wasn't a lot weighing on me.

Since that moment in the woods yesterday, I couldn't shake my uncertainty. The fight between resisting my emotions or giving in was becoming much more violent. That's why I laid awake for several hours last night, my brain not letting up. I couldn't stop going back and forth with myself. By 2:00am, it produced a horrible headache on top of my worries. If that wasn't enough, once I somehow managed to fall asleep, I had another horrific dream revolving around Jackson. So, I didn't get the best sleep last night. Feel bad for me, bitches. I couldn't even sleep in either. Grace called an hour ago and asked if I could watch Chrissy today. She was called into work unexpectedly and would be dropping her off earlier than normal.

Obviously, I should be in a shit mood. I would... if it wasn't for yesterday's vivid memories and the hope for today. That's the only reason I had enough pep to make breakfast and not get pissy.

Flipping over the eggs before they burned, chopping them with my spatula, the yummy steam rose and kissed my nose. The nearly finished bacon along with the fresh air filtering in from the open window completed the homey feel. Lowering the burner heat, I reached over to the bacon and turned the strips over. Almost all finished.

"What do we have here?"

Glancing to my right, Luke was leaning against the kitchen doorframe. The morning light shining through the window above the sink lit up a portion of him, mostly his grey sleep shirt and shorts. My attention went looking for any signs that he was still in the playful and free spirit as yesterday.

So far, so good. The small and relaxed smile he wore grew. "Were you planning on sharing?"

"Depends," I said, suppressing a smile when I turned back to the food. "Would you be willing to make toast and pour us something to drink?"

"I suppose I can do that," he teased, straightening up from where he was leaning and running a hand through his disheveled hair. Taking a few steps towards me, he stopped and opened the fridge door.

"Then I suppose I can share," I said, feeling lucky for his apparent high spirits. Maybe it was possible to keep a good thing going.

Ten minutes later, we were sitting at the small table across from each other, chowing down the kickass breakfast. Grabbing another piece of toast from the plate between us, I piled on it a piece of bacon, eggs, and ketchup.

After taking a bite, I took in Luke's humorous stare. "What?" I said, swallowing the goodness.

"Nothing," he said, smiling and taking a bite of the eggs with his fork.

"You judging me?"

"Oh yeah," he laughed.

Hiding my smile by taking a sip of my milk, I stared over our plates and across the table to him. His bright green eyes along with his amused expression painted a beautiful picture. The young light flooding in with the chirping birds only enhanced it. "Is it the fact that I'm a pig or are you still hung up on the ketchup?" I asked after setting my cup down.

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