Chapter 43

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Chapter 43

Carter was like a broken tape recorder we couldn't fix. Kept stopping and needing a kick to continue. Our stares weren't as effective because after a minute of waiting, he still didn't go on. Instead, he was comfortably leaning against the railing, head tilted to the side so he could admire the trees across the parking lot. How nice.

"Hey," I snapped. His smile returned when his eyes did. "Keep going," I said.

"Well, we've reached the end – chronologically anyway regarding Jackson's history. Don't fret though! There are still a few things you don't know, my dear," he said, joy filling his face again. "Whatever you thought was true about the FBI's search for Reid... is most likely false."

Good god, did I even want to know? It was hard hearing about present and relevant issues that I was involved in. Like Jackson not lifting a finger to relieve Luke with answers. Like him planning to keep me in Connecticut for good. And now... who the hell knows! My gut retched in nervousness. We based this entire expedition around Reid. Learning the truth about this was huge.

He stood up without the rusty bar for support. Stretching, wincing at the pain it caused his wound, he glanced between Luke and me. His smirk grew wide as he dove into the details. "Three years ago, when Jackson made that deal with the FBI, the information he fed the FBI changed everything. I know that from what Jackson told me and from my own experiences as a dedicated worker. What he told the FBI impacted everyone," he paused, taking a deep breath.

"Before Jackson hooked up with the FBI, the status of the organization was strong. Reid had built up his movement and society. Of course, he still was obsessed with finding you, even after years of no success. When Reid learned where you were, the FBI stuck their nose in it. That part is true. The FBI were watching Luke closely, knowing we were spying on him and knowing Reid's men were close. Honestly, they almost did catch us. That was one bonus for the FBI that came out the deal. Jackson promised answers, but you in witness protection also helped them in trying to track down Reid. For a little bit anyway..." he said, eyes flashing with a tease. He was loving keeping us in suspense.

"What do you mean for a little bit?" Luke snapped from beside me.

"Patience, young Lucas." Laughing, his eyes resumed darting between us. "The first month Albany was in witness protection, Jackson kept up his side of the bargain. He was in constant contact with the FBI, helping them in their pursuit for Reid and us, his workers. Because he was so loyal and experienced when he was in the system, he knew a lot. And when he began working in Washington, Jackson knew of Reid's biggest buyers and knew where most of the sects were. When he informed the FBI... Woohoo," he whispered, chuckling and shaking his head. "You wouldn't believe how quickly the FBI honed in on us."

Another long pause. He didn't continue. Though my only job was to comprehend his words, I couldn't handle him drawing it out.

This was the first time I was hearing the truth about the progress they made on Reid. I always asked, always checked in those years, wondering how close they were. Wondering how close that would make me to being able to go home. All of it... a lie. This was the first time I was getting anything and it tugged heavily on my brain. The last thing I needed was his stupid games.

Groaning, I sat forward on the white plastic chair edge, catching his stupid eyes with my wide ones. I jutted a finger past him and the balcony. "You wouldn't believe how ready I am to throw you off this balcony! 'Story time' my fucking ass if you keep stopping. Keep going."

While he found dragging it out to be entertaining, my reaction was just as entertaining. He cracked up, clapping before folding his fingers together. "You got it, sister. Jackson told them so much, that the FBI nearly cleaned us out, shut us down. They put away and stopped most people involved in the institution. First, they raided the main headquarters, wanting surprise on their side. They arrested countless workers and freed everyone 'enrolled' into the system at the main headquarters. It was a massive loss for the movement and nearly ended it. Unfortunately for them, they never found Reid. A new headquarters – the one we will be looking for – was built in a different location in Washington. His people made sure that it couldn't be easily found."

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