Chapter 58

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Chapter 58

The breaking news of Carter's death aired for maybe two minutes. The effect it had on us lasted longer. Not because we were stunned by the loss of a disgusting man we already suspected was dead. My biggest concern was what all of this could mean.

When those words reached my ears, I shook Luke awake so he could witness the news story with me. Little information was given. The body was found among a strip of tall weeds, just yards away from some highway. Stabbed twice through the chest. The news didn't care to give details. The point was he was dead. It was all the ignorant American people needed for closure over what happened in Mississippi. Nothing was mentioned about finding the person who did this. No doubt because whoever did this was a hero in their minds. Of course, you guys know that man is anything but a hero.

Now, the TV screen was black. The dim lamp light was our only source for sight. It highlighted the green in Luke's worried eyes. We were sitting cross-legged, facing each other on the couch. Luke's coat was now off and draped across my lap, hiding my clenched hands under the wool material.

"He's coming back," I whispered, my lips twisting inwards. My scowl was nothing compared to the sick sensation growing in the pit of my stomach.

"Let's not worry about that unless it actually happens."

Did this dude not get the nation-wide memo? I shook my head. "Luke, there is no 'unless.' Jackson obviously has his own plans. Fucking Christ, he hauled Carter's dead body across the country and dumped it. It's only a matter of time until he shows up here."

"Believe it or not, him ditching the body is a good thing," he said, resting his hand against the coat where my leg was under it. "It earned national news coverage. It's demented, but this will help us – specifically since we're starting the search in a few days."

He was right. Carter's corpse showing up across the country would benefit us. Our upcoming search was daunting; I didn't let it get under my skin, but it was scary knowing how close we would be getting to the enemy. However, with Carter's body on the news... it would draw attention. Make the organization think we were in South Carolina and attempt to find us. The less men around the headquarters, the better.

Though it would make our task of searching less daunting, I didn't feel any less on edge. The man who dumped Carter's body was trying to reenter my nightmares. I could already imagine those awful dreams will be starting up again tonight. How convenient. Just when I allow myself to stop dreading Jackson, this happens and awakens all my instinctual paranoia and fears.

Ugh, I needed to suck it up. Seeing Jackson again would be dreadful. But Carter's body being used as bait... could be a game changer and was better than my stupid personal issues with my oh so loving father. "I know, I know it helps," I agreed though a deep breath. "I mean, increasing our chances of succeeding is better than worrying about Jackson showing his face."

"Exactly," he nodded. "It sucks and I can't imagine your anxiety. I... truly can't. But searching for the headquarters is more dangerous than him coming back. Knowing the focus of Reid's men will be on the other side of the country, it makes me feel better. It should give you more confidence too when we start looking. Just remember that."

No matter how scared and angry simply thinking about him returning was, furthering our objective was better. That didn't mean his help was appreciated, wanted, or needed! "Like I said before, we aren't going to allow him to help if we have a choice. He comes back, we refuse him and his stupid help."

"I remember," he said, shifting closer to me until his kneecaps touched mine. He moved his hand from the coat over my lap to brush my cheek. "I'm sorry you have to go through this. I'm willing to help in any way I can."

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