Chapter 54

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Chapter 54

Somehow, my ass wasn't shitting bricks yet. Yes, talk about a mystery because my body was not equipped to hold anything in. Not when something like this happens. Not when I'm against Luke – yes, Luke – and he was kissing me. Thank god I didn't eat much earlier. Because if anything in this world was going to make me shit my pants... it was this.

His lips were needy, starving, yet lasting. Deep and savoring over mine. The sensation was just as powerful as it was a moment ago. Just as incredible and unbelievable and perfect! My god, this was real! And this time, we didn't need to break away like he did a second ago. We dove into each other, Luke selfishly claiming me. Lips pressed as tight as he dared, his want exceeded what could be done. It was overwhelming and loving. It wasn't just his lips that sent chills over me, it was all of him. With closed eyes, I soaked in every brush, touch, and contact.

Moving our greedy mouths together, our noses worked hard as our only source to breathe. Inhaling and exhaling, the rush of air brushed our skin just above our lips. The sound of our fast-moving breath gave evidence to our need, our racing hearts and lungs! Dear god, it was hard not passing out from how much air our lungs needed.  Regardless, we did not dare remove our lips. We went deeper, meshing our lips more and more, the power building.

If that didn't make me feel as if I would buckle and suffocate, the man's body did. Pushed tight against his warm hard chest, my head was tilted up, kissing him. And though I wrapped my arms around him, one hand sliding up into his hair, Luke took no chances. He made sure we wouldn't lose the contact.

His arm around my back tightened. The man's other hand flew up, gripping my loose hair at the back of my head and holding my lips against his. His hold on me, the way his hand in my hair turned into a fist, the pressure was building in my bones. The need increasing! Fuck, this was real. After all this time, and to know there was no going back... it pricked my heart in the most delightful way.

Jesus Christ, this was happening! This was Luke! My beautiful man! And knowing that, knowing this was Luke, the man I loved more than anything, it drove me crazy. It allowed my sensitive body to absorb everything. Every inch of his toned body that was glued to mine. His warm and fast chest through his shirt. Tight hand wrapped in my hair, and his fingers on my back, clinging and greedy.

My enhanced sense of him had its effect. Because this went beyond physical need of the man I missed and desired. This was a man who was releasing his want for me, showing me that he wouldn't allow for this to stop. My hurt heart almost assumed he would be done; even after I kissed him and he broke away, I thought he was done with me and I was just too late. But instead, he kissed me – and initiated this kiss, and now, he was savoring it. Allowing us to get wrapped up in each other. And that's all I needed, wanted! All I could stand! Oh god, it pushed my mind and body to explode with emotion and need. My brows dipped and throat turned thick. I missed you so much, love you more than you will ever know! I am so sorry this moment didn't happen earlier!

Groaning against his lips, I pressed even more against him. While I didn't think he had the power to remove our lips, he did for only a millisecond. "Don't you ever leave me again," he said in a rush, breaking away as fast as his lips returned. "Do you understand me?!"

Lips hitting mine again after his desperate words reached the air, his hand in my hair withdraw to my cheek. Cupping it, he swallowed me in more. His words completely killing me. The wavering tone in his voice caused a tear to fall from my closed eyes. I would never leave him again. Not now, after everything, after feeling and hearing his love. Shaking my head, my gliding lips on his broke away – just like my voice. "Never. Never again," I said, kissing him over and over. "I'm so sorry!"

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