Chapter 82

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Chapter 82

Realizing this was Luke's coat was a turning point. It produced a level of panic and fear... and a level of knowing this was the last fucking straw.

Obviously, panic and fear came first.

My mind repeatedly slammed into a wall. How? How did they have his coat? Taking his coat off, I broke down. I wanted to bang on the plexiglass and demand answers, but I was suffocating too fast. I rushed into the bathroom, collapsed, and buried my head into the armful of wool, sobbing and screaming.

This whole time here, I tried not thinking about Luke. My emotions would have gotten the best of me. Now, add on the idea... of him being in trouble, caught, or dead! They got to him; how else would they have gotten his coat?! The man I loved, the man I burdened, was probably dead! Because of me, a leach, dragging him too deep.

The pain... was unbearable. I really thought this was it. They got him. My insides felt battered. But beyond my muffled cries against the wool, my mind raced to new places. I had to recognize it wasn't a coincidence that I was holding Luke's coat.

I knew the game they were playing. They wanted me to have his coat, they wanted me to freak out, they wanted me to demand answers. They wanted me to feel like a big piece of shit – and believe me, it worked. I don't remember ever feeling this lost and awful. But my god, they wouldn't get away with this. They could mess me up, but I didn't give myself to this place for fun! I came in here to save Brooke, take these sickos down, and I came in here for Luke's future. I came in here for him and his family's future. And if these assholes think they are going to shit all over my purpose of being in here... not happening. This coat was breaking me down like they wanted, but it was going to come at a huge price for them.

I didn't know if Luke was in trouble. Maybe they purely stole the coat to get a reaction out of me. Regardless, it lit a fire under my ass. Because until this is over, until I am out of here and know where my man is, my anxiety for Luke will be through the roof.

That's right. This coat... it changed my agenda. I was still determined to lead the FBI here; that mattered the most. But after I make that happen, after I know the FBI will find this place, I could be selfish. I was no longer content with going to Russia and sacrificing myself. I needed to somehow get out of here and know Luke is okay. I needed to hurry too. After all, time is a ticking bitch.


"How are you feeling today, Albany?"

"Sexy and proud," I mumbled with a snuffed-up nose, making my 'supervisor' chuckle.

"Are you getting use to the way of life around here?"

I was. Time was a blur, but up until this point, I've had a few more 'sessions.' Yes, sessions meant getting face fucked with water. The past few days, I've discovered a pattern. I would have dinner with Reid, go through water torture, then go back to my huge bedroom exhibit. This stuff took its toll, but it was useful knowing a routine. I would need to if I want to be successful with my plan. Yes, that's right. This badass had a plan now.

That coat didn't just change my agenda. It changed everything. I had to think, brainstorm, and mentally survive. Staying strong was key. Even though I was still stubborn about not entertaining them... I learned giving in a little was worth it. Day after day of this, I realized there wasn't much more I could bare. Emotionally and mentally, I was bad enough. Tag on physical exhaustion and little sleep, I was declining faster. I needed to hold onto myself. So yes, that meant finally being myself.

"I'm sorry you're sick. Hopefully that cold of yours will go away soon," he said.

I swallowed the sting residing in my throat. "Hosing me down and making me freeze will definitely help."

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