Chapter 70

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Chapter 70

We were driving through hilly country roads, trees on each side. Some offered the first signs of autumn with patches of orange and yellow leaves. However, the wonderful bastard driving wasn't telling me anything about where he was taking us. It was eating me with excitement. Not only was everything a surprise. Luke already dropped a few surprises on me this morning that hyped me up even more.

For our safety, I dyed my hair a dark brown the night before. Yes, bye-bye blonde hair, I won't miss you! However, when I woke this morning, I didn't expect to see Luke changed his appearance too. He shaved off his bushy beard. Plus, since I woke up late, Luke had plenty of time to get ready for our trip. Whatever he did to prepare was a mystery. However, it apparently included going to a store because he surprised me with a gift.

The gesture was beyond sweet. Though Jackson picked me up necessities the night before, Luke had a more thoughtful approach. Before Francis departed and headed home, he saw the gift and repeated my thoughts: Luke was going all out for me. Along with some make-up and black flats, Luke bought me a sundress. One I was wearing now.

The cotton aqua material was comfortable while it also complimented my curves. The U-neck dress was plain, the only design stitched in being the seam that wrapped around my stomach. Below it, the dress flowed out flat like the top half until it stopped at my kneecaps. It was simple, comfy, and very pretty. It contrasted well with my necklace and my now dark hair.

Windows open, catching some of my wild brown strands, I tucked them behind my ear. My eyes were set on Luke. He couldn't get any better. This couldn't get any better. Despite the excitement over my new dress and not knowing where we were going, I loved just being with Luke. Nothing wrong with staring at the man either. In nice khaki shorts with a plain black tee-shirt, he looked sexy as all hell folks! Luke was currently blowing my mind in other ways too.

"No way," I laughed.

He nodded with a smile, watching the road. "There are a lot of silly laws like that in Ohio."

"Five women living in one house is illegal?"


You folks heard right. The knowledgeable police officer was telling me some of the most ridiculous laws in our home state. Many were difficult to believe. "I don't get it dude. 'Five women under one roof, I need backup now, shots fired.' Have you ever gotten that call?"

Over the air hitting the open windows, Luke's amused voice reached me. "I don't think anybody ever has gotten that call. Shots fired?"

"They could be five very upset women."

"Well, I haven't gotten any call about that issue. A lot of these are just known as being silly laws," he said, running a hand back through his dancing hair.

Talk about weird. I've broken many laws. Imagine how many more I unknowingly broke. "What else is there?"

His hand rested on my knee. Eyes catching mine for a split second, a teasing spark lit them. "Anal sex is banned in Cincinnati."

Those insane words.... "Are you fucking kidding?" I laughed.

"Nope," he chuckled.

How could that be real? Apparently, it was. I've never had such a powerful learning experience. I won't be forgetting this. But... why? We didn't live in Cincinnati, but from my knowledge, it wasn't full of a bunch of anal-crazed monsters. Tucking more hair behind me, I scoffed. "Why is it banned?"

"Usually with weird laws, there is one instance that caused it to become illegal. Nobody calls the police for having anal sex. If it's consensual, there is no reason. So, I'm assuming it's illegal for one very specific reason. A case or event that made it clear a law needed to be made."

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