Chapter 17

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Chapter 17 

Hearing that we needed to go back to Ohio, it made me take a few mental steps back.  Which was necessary if Jackson wanted me to wrap my head around this.  He just sprung this news on Luke and I after questioning our prisoner.  I needed to know more, face a few things, and I wanted an explanation for Jackson's words.  

Apparently, according to this Carter guy, he didn't know where Reid was.  He was ordered to find me from one of Reid's associates back in Ohio.  So that lead to the conclusion that, if we want answers, they were in Ohio with men higher up.  Carter also mentioned that Reid didn't have as many people working for him as we probably thought.  Reid just got away with everything because he was good at hiding and had connections.  

Hearing all this being repeated through Jackson, it made me raise an eyebrow.  The three of us stood in a little circle a few yards from where the truck was, Carter inside of it and secure.  "How are you suppose to trust him on this?  He could be lying.  And even if we go back to Ohio, how would this help?  Even if Carter can lead us to whoever sent him, what are we going to do?"

"Find him, take him, ask this 'associate' questions.  Make sure he will answer." Jackson paused in speaking, his face blank.  "And I know he is telling the truth.  I have my tactics.  Not to mention, he dies if he does not cooperate."

I licked my lips and shook my head.  "I want Luke to talk to him too, make sure he is being truthful.  He is good with that," I said, sighing. I didn't want to even face Jackson's idea.  "Either way, your game plan is to kidnap the guy?  He probably has a ton of people working for him."

"Yeah," Jackson nodded simply.  It made me groan but he continued.  "You need to understand, we can't just run.  We can't sit back and wait.  We need to fix this and that means going in.  We need to find answers and take down Reid.  We take him down, that's all we need.  He's the only one who wants you.  His men or connections are only helping. "

"How do you know this?" Luke added. 

Jackson pointed to Carter, who was bound and not looking happy in the truck.  "He backed up things I already knew.  He validated some things that I read when the FBI uncovered his file.  The FBI believe Reid only wants her because he 'owns' her, thanks to some deal.  This guy said the same thing.  He is mesmerized that he found Albany but he said his only job is following Reid's agenda."

What he said was credible.  Some of what Jackson said though made me uneasy.  Like how did we know that if we kill Reid, that all will be okay?  I guess it's better to find out than sit around like he said.  Because I for one know that I am sick of that. 

I have been sick of running and hiding for so long.  Luke and I fought back before, but that was when we had to.  I no longer wanted to be the victim.  I wanted a change.  I wanted to kill this man before I get killed.  I wanted to be free and it wasn't going to just come to me.  I needed to go out and get it.  Knowing that I could trust Jackson put me on board, no matter how bad of an idea it sounded.   

I glanced over to Luke, expecting him to be against it naturally. His expression was void of anything revealing.  He glanced between me and Jackson.    I had a feeling Luke was thinking the same thing I was.  That he was sick of it all too.  Despite the danger we could face, it couldn't be much worse than what would find us anyway.  Meeting my eyes, I saw he understood.  He nodded softly.  "Alright.  We go to Ohio and take him.  How are we going to get in and do this though?"

"We will find a way.  After all, Reid has slipped away from the FBI numerous times.   It's our only option and way of knowing where we could find him."

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