Chapter 77

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Chapter 77

Laying over his chest, my throat tightened in pain. The sight of the shocked man's face was blurred from my effortless tears. Now that I did what I had to do, my façade from earlier collapsed. No smiles, just tears. This was going to be rough. Real fucking rough; it already was! It was bad enough that I had to leave my man bound and helpless like this. Now, I would have to face why. I had to accept this could be the last time I see Luke. Sure, my plan was solid, and I was almost sure everything would be fine. With our luck though, you never know. Things could go wrong. That's why I took this moment with him very seriously.

While my eyes spilled over, his stayed wide. Luke stared at me with shock, and now, horror. There wasn't a spec of confusion. He didn't even need to look above our heads to where his wrist was now bound. The clicks latching and restraining his wrist registered reality enough. The horrible reality of having my way. Of how I would turn myself over and not risk going through with Luke's plan.

He just stared at me with those intense green globes. Then, after a long moment, he closed his eyes tight. "You can't do this," he whispered between the space of our faces.

Ugh, this was already hurting worse than I imagined! My man, my sweet beautiful man... he needed to see, he needed to understand. "Luke, I have to." Swallowing, I cupped his cheeks. "I have to do this my way. I'm sorry."

His eyes stayed closed tight, chest under mine moving faster. "Have faith in me. Please don't do this. Don't do this."

"There's nothing you can say," I whispered through my soft cry.

His eyes flew open. The bright morning sunlight highlighted the colorful room - and the begging glint in his gaze. "There must be. This cannot happen, we need to go through with the plan."

Stop, Luke, stop trying... Stop before I start sobbing. "No baby. I have my own plan and it's going to be okay."

"Anything, I'll do anything to change your mind, just please.... Let's just take a deep breath, uncuff me, and we will talk about this. Figure something out," he said as smoothly as his desperation would allow.

I shook my head, caressing his cheeks while mine were covered in wet tear tracks. "There is nothing you can say," I repeated down to him.

There was a moment of silence. He just stared at me above him. Devastating realization crossed his pleading expression. Luke could see I was sticking with my guns. And I was. I would not budge no matter how much I wanted to. No matter how painful this was. No matter how clearly his fear for me influenced my growing emotions. It made his eyes water, brows creasing. "What, you're just going to go on your own, turn yourself over? Leave me again?"

The watery redness in his eyes did not help my composure. Then to be hit with those words.... I already felt like shit. Such complete shit. I mean, I handcuffed him to the bed and was giving him all this pain! Because for once, he had no power. He couldn't do anything. I hated taking that away from him, but I had to for his own good and for all of ours. It just hurt terribly to see how painful this was for him. On top of that, to then hear those last words.... It was those words that completely broke me down. Leave him? Those words fished out the awful memories of being without him and how I told him it wouldn't happen again. And it wouldn't! It couldn't.

Releasing a rough moan of despair, I clamped my lips shut. My chest and lips trembled with the need to let it all out. "No, no, stop," I whispered, tears coming faster. My body shook with my cry. I never wanted him to fear losing me again. I never wanted him to think about it happening again. "I'm not leaving you. I'll never leave you. I-I went to the FBI, made a deal. They are going to track me. They will have the location. Our deal will be kept, Brooke safe, and I'll probably be fine. Things will be okay."

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