Chapter 27

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Chapter 27

I figured the amazing night we shared was the only break we would really get.  Though he said that we could relax more today, I expected to get down to business.  Especially because by the time we woke up, it was nearly 3:30 in the afternoon.  Being accustomed to always rushing made me worried and even guilty that we slept for as long as we did.

"We should probably get dressed," I said, sighing after we dragged ourselves out to bed.  Without opening the long drapes or making the bed, I grabbed my suitcase and threw it on the bed. 

From my side vision, I could see Luke stretch and move towards me.  "You're right," he said in a tired voice.  Stopping next to me, forcing me to look up to him, I saw the blankness in his face.  Hopefully, he was still just tired.  "I'm going to get dressed, see what's going on then be back in a bit. Okay?" he asked, smiling slightly.

I nodded.  I could only cross my fingers that the 'old' Luke from last night would come back and stay for good.  "Sounds good to me.  You can take the room key too if you want."

When he left, I turned my attention back to my suitcase.  Opening it, I sifted through the clothes only to pause for a moment upon spotting something that made my heart jump. 

Lifting up a few folded articles of clothes, I took in Luke's coat towards the bottom.  The one that I took from the house before I left three years ago.  I wonder what he would think if he knew I was the reason it disappeared.  Even worse, what would he think if he sees the coat along with the necklace and ring that I still wore?  I didn't know but I had a feeling it would complicate things.  If that happens though, oh well.  I couldn't get rid of his coat or take off the jewelry. 

Sighing, I went back to rummaging through my clothes.  I pulled out a short sleeved and blue button-up shirt.  Putting it on, I also slipped on some jeans before grabbing a few things from my other bag to help me get ready for the day.  Brushing my hair with one hand and carrying my necessities with the other, I headed into the bathroom. I know guys, it takes a lot to get my beautiful ass prepared.

No more than a half an hour must have passed before I heard Luke come back in, the door closing with a click behind him.  I just finished applying barely any make-up compared to what I wore last night when I turned and moved out of the bathroom.  "Hey," I said, standing before him by the door.  His clear and alert green eyes showed that he was refreshed and awake now. "So what are they doing?  They aren't sucking each other off, are they?" I asked with a smirk.

He reflected my lips.  "Thankfully, that is not something I managed to witness when I walked in."

"Damn, that would have been a good story," I sighed, moving pass him, noticing my suitcase was still out.  Zipping it shut as I heard him chuckle, I turned around and caught him rolling his eyes. 

"It sure would have been," he said before pausing for a moment.  "Instead, they were asking Vic some very tense questions regarding his job.  He's answering too, which is surprising.  When they start asking him where Reid is though... we'll see how that goes," he said, taking a deep breath. 

"What do you mean?" I asked, walking over to the large window and parting the drapes, letting in light.  Turning back, I could see everything much better.  It lit the space and the man standing across the room.  Including the long grey shorts he wore along with a black polo he tucked in.  The ends of his soft brown hair rested past the collar and framed his face perfectly.  Looked quite snazzy, if I do say so myself.

His eyebrows lowered, as if unsure why I would ask as I walked back over to him.  "Well... it's pretty obvious that this guy isn't like Carter.  He's not going to want to tell us where Reid is because he dedicated his life to Reid."

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