Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

So much.  Just so much and so little I could allow myself to actually process....

That Luke was out of my life for good and now Jack too.  That I myself was kind of out of my own life too as Morgan Honeywell.  This was Albany and though I missed her, I did not miss this bullshit corrupting my life.  I couldn't process how we were leaving.  Running like fugitives.  I didn't know what to think.  Everything was fine and fucking dandy yesterday.  However, I should have known this was coming with all that happened with Luke.  Either way, thinking and pondering all this came later.  I had to get moving the moment Jackson told me we were leaving.

I grabbed some clothes, Luke's coat, my phone, gun, and all the money I had in my house.  And as painful as it was, I took my little buddy's collar off and took that with me.  He was coming with me one way or another.  And sadly enough, it had to be in thought.  That was something I couldn't think about though right away. I just focused on getting the few things I could and jumping into Jackson's car with him.  He didn't bother taking much either.  Just money and clothes, and shockingly enough, his weapons I never knew he had.  Like two hand guns and a shotgun.  The dude wasn't messing around.  It gave me a little hope between the blur of everything.  Of how hopefully we could end this somehow soon and come back home.  But to be fair, hope was small for how on edge I was.

I was shook up.  It was the middle of the night and we were driving.  My thoughts were scrambled.  But I suppose I could be thankful for my mind going crazy.  With thoughts of Luke, of questions how to live now, thoughts of the FBI... that mindset lead to thinking about Spencer.  That and what he also told me.  How the FBI came to talk to him about something.... Something that was weird for the FBI to do. 

As I sat there thinking besides Jackson, just as we started to drive, more rational thoughts came.  Of what Spencer told me... I knew it was suspicious.  But seeing as these guys were really here and after me, I realized that Spencer was approached by not the FBI.  He couldn't have been.  The FBI would have no reason to question him when they already knew everything.  But after tonight... it made sense that it really was the men after me that spoke to him.  That could mean he was in danger since I was leaving; these freaks would go to my 'boyfriend' thinking he would be helping me. 

That made me speak up the moment we started to accelerate down the road.  The car was filled with tension and panic.  Jackson's hands were tight on the wheel and his body I noticed was sitting up very straight.  The streetlights coming in and lighting up the interior every few seconds, I took in his face with that passing of light.  His eyes were brown beams ahead.  Alert.  He actually looked very worried and not his stone self.  At least he didn't look as shocked.  He was thinking.  

"Jackson," I said, swallowing.  I just hope he would understand and be on board.... I wouldn't blame him if he wasn't.  But I can almost guarantee they would go after Spencer.  They watched Luke for three damn years, they would definitely be on Spencer's ass and maybe kill him since he didn't know where I would be. 

"What?" he asked, tense.  His voice was shaky but still hard.  

"Listen, I don't think it was the FBI that talked to Spencer now," I started.

He scoffed in a disappointed way, as if just now thinking about that - and agreeing that had to be right.  He glanced over to where I was sitting in the passenger seat, facing forward out at the road.  Head tilted, I watched him very carefully though.  "You are probably right.  One more warning sign that this was going to happen...." he said, shooting me a glance.

"Listen," I said, faster.  We really couldn't waste much time. I needed to tell him now.  "We need to tell Spencer he needs to run too. To get away.  They will look for me there. They know he is associated with me."

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