Author's Note

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It's been a long time since I've wrote one of these. Which is why I'm a mess right now. I just posted the last chapter and it was hard to do. Isolated alone, I spent five years on. I sank so much into this series. So much time. About 7 years. And for those 7 years, this is what I did with most of my free time I got. I lived through this universe, lived through Albany. Her world became so real to me and I loved every moment of writing this series.

I started Handcuffed when I was 16. Fractured, I was 17. Isolated, I started when I 18 and this last book alone took 5 years. It was the hardest to write. I had so many personal struggles going on. I also published Island Rush and it slowed me down. Plus the pressure to make this one kickass last book in the series put the pressure on. For that, I screwed up plenty on how I wrote some things. But to know I finally finished it... it feels amazing. And very sad at the same time.

I feel like I am just blabbering on and I know this doesn't sound like the best author's note. I just can't stress enough... how much this series means to me. It was my escape, it gave me my best days, it was everything to me. Enough to where sometime in the future, I do plan to publish this series. I have to, I mean it meant so much to me. However, it will be a while before I do. First because I want to start other works and branch out a bit. Second because this series requires some serious editing. I want to cut down a lot of unnecessary writing and change the flow. Because over several years, my taste and writing style has changed a bit. Plus, if I get it published, you better believe it will be after I spiff it up and make it as enjoyable as possible. Which means less scenes that drag on because there were plenty that did in this series. But anyway, yes, I plan to publish this series. Not for a long while though.

So in that way, it's not goodbye to this series. It will be nice to return one day. Story-wise though, this is all I have planned. I am not currently thinking about any spin-offs, prequels, anything like that. Just know though, that Albany's story will always be here for us to reread and look back through. It's just now complete!

So what's next? Well, not entirely sure yet. I know I plan on writing a short horror type story (and you know short to me will be like 10 chapters 😝) I also entertained the idea of writing about me. I like documenting things that go on in my life because I like to believe I have an interesting life so sharing it, and people knowing its real, might be exciting for you guys, but its just an idea. I have plenty of ideas and I promise you will see them in the future whatever I come up with. Because I am far from done. I love writing, it's my passion, and I won't stop. Even if I come up with shit stories after this, I won't stop haha. Anyway though, whatever I post, it will be a while until I post it. Probably a few months. Let me hear your thoughts on what you think I should do next!

Until then, Albany's story and life will be in the back of my mind. I'm sure yours too. Because if you are reading this... my god, I can't thank you enough. I saved this part for last because it's the most important. You guys are fucking amazing. Maybe a little crazy because I know most people who read Handcuffed and Fractured stopped because I was taking too long – and the story was long. Which I understand, those are mistakes on my part. But those of you who read it all, have been with me throughout this whole thing... you guys made this worth it. I would be in a rut, read your comments, and get back to work. Because I loved knowing you loved my work. I love knowing that and its exciting sharing it with you. And for you guys to take time out of your life just to read what I come up with... it's powerful. It means everything to me. I love you guys for it! I just... I cant say thank you enough. You guys have stuck with me, believed in me, and experienced this story with me. I couldn't do this without you and without your feedback. It's the best thing about posting! THANK YOU!

Until then, I'll be here. Tearing up for maybe 10 more minutes. And planning the next story and writing it within a few months. I am for sure doing the short horror story, after that, not sure. I have a few other huge story ideas up my sleeve, but want to take my time developing those first.

Anyway, thank you so much and I'll see you around for the next story!

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