Chapter 33

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Chapter 33

By the next day, we all started to feel more confident that our plan was working. That we were ahead and on top. That we wouldn't be caught or found for at least a couple weeks. I mean, there was no reason to think that what we did wouldn't work. I'm sure that the stiffs in Ohio were still patiently waiting for the return of their men and our bodies. And with each moment they wait, the further we move towards success.

It felt wonderful and tasted like freedom. From the second I woke in privacy to the minutes we happily let pass us as we sluggishly got ready to leave. Even when we were ready, we took out time. Mainly because we wanted to make sure that Jackson's arm was perfectly fine.

Just because he got lucky and was only shot in the arm, that didn't mean he was completely free of no risk. The man could still get an infection so we needed to keep a close eye on it; it wasn't like we could waltz into a hospital. So Carter took on the role of doctor and applied more of that burning medicine to treat it. I wanted to help, but there wasn't much Luke or I could contribute to the one-man job Carter had.

That's why I took advantage of an opportunity that would grant me absolute pleasure. No, the motel didn't offer complimentary dildos; trust me, I had my hopes up for that too but it was something even better. It was something that made my dreams come true: a continental breakfast. It was a crappy excuse for a full breakfast but it was honestly the best thing I could ask for. Remember, for every place we stayed at, we rarely allowed ourselves the chance to eat in the morning. Now, we actually had the luxury of having breakfast without feeling rushed or paranoid. Let me just tell you guys... it was awesome.

Luke accompanied me into the tiny lobby where there was a long counter adjacent to the front desk. There wasn't much there but enough to make me happy. I filled my plate full with muffins, poured myself a cup of orange juice, and sat down at one of the three little tables. I guess it fit considering this place was small to begin with.

When Luke sat across from me, a bagel with peanut butter on his plate, I couldn't help but shake my head in disappointment. "Someone clearly didn't see the blueberry muffins."

He raised his eyebrow at me when he glanced down to where I had about six piled high. "I see that certain someone wasn't you," he teased, leaning back against his chair. Picking up his cup of coffee, he sipped at it in amusement while his eyes stayed on me.

Loving the lightness between us, I rolled my eyes as I watched him set his cup down. "Hey, these are the best and I will welcome any form of breakfast." Picking one of my muffins up, I peeled away the papery material and took a bite.

"What about coffee?" he asked, raising and lowering his eyebrows. Then he glanced down to his coffee and pressed his index finger against the cup. He slowly pushed it across the table towards me, smirking before looking back up to me.

I searched his teasing eyes. "Now, a certain someone clearly doesn't remember my opinion of coffee." It felt like such a long time ago.... I remember how disgusting coffee tasted the first time Luke had me try it.

"Things change," he put simply.

Things sure did. Staring into his sweet and open green eyes, I couldn't agree with him more. I mean, I fully believed that I was sitting across from and staring at the Luke I knew and loved before I was dragged into Witness Protection. He was starting to return to his old self more and more with each day it seemed.

Yet at the same time, experiences and their impressions last. I knew that we both were different as people – and there was nothing wrong with that. He was showing more of his old-self but he was also different thanks to everything that occurred. I just wished that I wasn't the reason he was different. No matter how much better he's doing, I was the one that caused him unthinkable pain to begin with.

IsolatedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora