Chapter 65

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Chapter 65

"I'm sorry." I rested my hand over his. "We already talked about it."

The curtains were drawn for the night, leaving the lamp and muted TV screen as the only source of light. It illuminated the aggravation in his gaze. "Yeah, and I didn't agree with it."

"Luke," I scoffed with exhaust. "We've been through this already, I'm sorry. This needs to get done; I'm not going to let your brother and Jackson work nonstop. I'm going."

Luke was not a happy patient. I couldn't blame him. Out of everyone, he was the most worried, the most desperate to find the headquarters. Now, not only was he down for the count. There was more at risk, including my life, if we continue our search. Suddenly, locating the organization wasn't as important. Especially when we decided on a new course of action.

Honestly, it sounded safe enough in my mind. When we all met to figure it out, we agreed the best way to go about this would be to search only at night. Jackson claimed after dark, Reid's men were either sleeping or indulging themselves in different vices. Of course, we couldn't know for sure, so none of us would ever search alone either.

I thought that was fair. It was dangerous, but this job needed to be done. Luke was not pleased. He did not want me going up to that land at all; it was 'too risky' for my sake. Not to mention, he really did not like how soon we wanted to launch our new plan of action. Luke was persistent that Reid's men would be ready, watching their backs and knowing we were close. Hell, he was paranoid they would find us here in the hospital. So, Luke wanted us to lay low for a week or so. His wishes lasted two days. We were starting tonight – including me, against his judgement.

Prepared for tonight's search, I slept in the chair beside Luke's bed from four in the afternoon to nine at night. The FBI wouldn't help; we had a meeting about it yesterday with Agent Tate. She didn't budge, and the terms remained the same. Therefore, sitting around and waiting for Mr. Superhero's leg to heal wasn't the answer. We had a month left. Francis and Jackson couldn't be the only ones doing this, especially since we agreed no searching alone. They would be working every night if I didn't help.

Jackson would be here soon enough, picking me up on the way to the land. Venturing through the woods with that asshole was going to be tense and awkward, but I was ready to contribute to our goal. For the first time in two days since he was shot, I was in a good motivated mood. It was time to step up and I was happy to do it.

Yet, Luke hated, loathed, what was about to happen. He fought me on it since it was decided, trying to reason with me. He wanted to hold off the search for a week and keep me out of it. Neither worked. It only made him more restless, angry, and stressed. With dick face on his way, Luke could hardly contain his building frustration.

"Do you know how sickening this is for me? To lay in a fucking bed? We have a job to do and here I am, useless." Licking his lips, his jaw locked and he inhaled a sharp breath. He turned his head away from me. "It makes me sick being here. Now, I... I am completely disgusted. Not only will I be in a damn bed, you will be up in the mountains, all night, with killers right on top of you!"

The bed was propped up and him with it. Leaning forward in my chair beside his bed, I cupped his avoiding cheek. I tilted his head towards me. "What can I tell you that will help?"

His eyes in mine were tired. "Tell me you will listen. Stay out of it."

"It's my problem," I whispered. "I want to do this."

"Then can you at least wait a week?"

Jeez, the man was relentless. Yet, I could not blame him. I chuckled, sliding from my seat to the edge of his bed. Propped by a hand, my other stroked his cheek. "What would doing nothing for a week accomplish?"

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