Chapter 30

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Chapter 30

I needed to help Jackson and that meant getting out of this SUV as soon as fucking possible!  He would go down dead any second if I didn't do something! Oh god, I needed to move! I wanted to rush out, help, and could feel the panic in my bones building!  Then... why didn't I get out yet?

The fact that I could actually think during that moment of panic was absolutely shocking.  Somehow my stunned mind didn't forget the necessities I needed that would make helping possible.  I would be entirely useless if I didn't get what I needed first! But fuck, I needed to hurry!

I scrambled up from the bloody water, lifted myself over the front seat, and landed behind it with a splash against the back passenger door.  On my knees and gun in hand, I turned and tucked the weapon into the pocket sewn into the back of the passenger seat.  It was much darker back here thanks to the outside light not making it this far back into the SUV.  Though that didn't help me find what I needed as fast as I wanted, it gave cover and a sense of safety from the constant gunfire.  It allowed for me to move fast and focus on my objective! 

I shifted and threw myself to kneel at the opening between the backseats and the rear of the SUV.  I didn't need to go any further back because my flying hands through the dark found all our luggage in reach!  We had all our things back here, including weapons and ammunition.  I leaned forward and dug my hands in until I could feel the smooth case I needed.  Yes!  Come on, come on, hurry bitch!

Hauling it towards me in a rush, I knelt back on the door panel and nearly ripped open the top of the case.  I snatched two new magazines for my gun, knowing I was nearly out.  I grabbed the weapon from where I tucked it, reloaded it, and stuffed the extra magazine between my right hip and the hem of my jeans.  Then, I moved back to my familiar spot up front where I had to be more careful.  My eyes were immediately attentive and focused out the windshield opening, my movements much slower too.

At least I was ready.  Now came the scary part.   

I shifted towards where the windshield used to be and moved through the water and around Vic's body, which took up most of the space in the crammed area.  I was lucky I didn't have to look at it.  I could only feel it as an obstacle with my maneuvering body considering my eyes had a very important job. 

It was petrifying, knowing that my life depended completely on my eyes right now. When I reached the sideways dash, pressing cautiously up against it, I scanned up over the steep ditch and along the road.  I still couldn't see anybody....  Slowly standing up in the water from my knees, I balanced myself as best as I could.   Actually standing now, it gave me a chance to study the outside surroundings.  Question was though could I actually trust my eyes?  

The light was slowly disappearing from the sky, leaving shadows everywhere for these killers to hide in.  Breathing hard as I strained my sight, I knew that if I didn't see anything, I would be forced to trust it and slide through the windshield opening.  I mean, what choice did I have?! It was either that or stay in here, do nothing but sit with Vic's dead ass, and wait for Jackson to fail!  I couldn't do that and needed to help!  And that couldn't happen from in here anymore.  There was nobody else left in range for me to shoot.

Waiting a few seconds, shots ringing in the air on the other side of the SUV, I still noticed nobody.  That was my chance and I took the opportunity.  Continuing to search with my eyes, never looking away from the road and ditch, I rested my hands against the body of the dash.  I eased my right leg slowly over where the top of the door panel curved forward to meet the windshield.  Slipping my leg out through the opening, resting my foot on the watery bottom of the ditch on the outside of the SUV, I slowly stepped the rest of the way out. 

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