Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

I was waiting to shit my pants. It hasn't happened yet, which I was shocked over. If my anus doesn't do the job, my heart might. Something was going on in there. My heart was pounding fast and hard, as if it couldn't contain the power rushing through it. I felt as if I might even throw up with each minute passing. Because with each minute passing, we were getting closer to entering Jan and Mike's house. I had a terrible feeling about it now. I wasn't as excited as I was terrified, ashamed, and worried.

I was gone for three years and they had no idea what happened to me. I can imagine that didn't just cause distress because they cared. The idea that they might genuinely despise me became more prominent.

Jackson had followed Francis in his car until we arrived here. I forgot how beautiful 'here' was. When we pulled in, my eyes took in the familiar property despite it getting darker. The long winding driveway and the nature around it brought back many memories. Then the area opened up to the sight of the big blue house. It was out in the middle of the woods and it was private like I remembered. However, taking in the place was the last thing on my mind now.

I stood in the garage after getting out of the truck with Luke. The garage was already open when we pulled up. Francis parked his car outside in the driveway. Then he moved one of his parent's vehicles out by his. It made room for Jackson to pull into the garage. Safety came first; we didn't need this truck to be seen.

Francis shut the garage door as we made a game plan. It was agreed that Luke, Francis, and I go in. Jackson was to stay out here and watch Carter until things... simmer down. The family will already have a hard enough time accepting I'm here. They didn't need Jackson and our tied up buddy being dumped on them all at once too.

After that was established, Luke sighed from where he stood next to me and Francis outside of the driver's side door. His eyes moved from where Jackson was still sitting in the truck to me. Those green eyes turned heavy. He just... stared at me. I did not expect to see that degree of distress and anxiety.

"You alright?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"I don't know what to expect when we go in with you," Luke told me, his eyes glancing to Francis. I could see him offer a similar expression. I am sure that throughout the years, there have been many mixed emotions over me. Both Luke and Francis knew that.

"Well, we are going to find out. They deserve an answer about me - and it ought to be from me."

We didn't waste any more time. Francis went through the door and into the house first. He was going to let everyone know someone was here to see them. Luke and I followed a few yards behind him down the long hall. It was familiar to me after all this time, this long hallway. I knew it reached another hall and connected to the kitchen. I recalled that the kitchen opened up into the dining room, which was where the whole family was. A whole family that wasn't prepared for this.

Taking a shaky breath, my eyes on Francis's back in front of me, I started feeling worse. Luke walking beside me, I moved my arm up and wrapped it through his. I wasn't ready for this but I needed to be.

When we reached the entrance of the kitchen, we stopped behind a wall there. By now, I could hear warm chatter between everyone in the other room. When Francis didn't stop like we did, he walked into the kitchen and spoke.

"Hey guys, sorry I'm really late," he said, his voice a little more distant. I could tell he stopped in the kitchen and was looking over the counter to the other room where Jan, Mike, Shannon, and Brooke were.

"Did you get the snacks daddy?" I heard a little girl's voice, one that sounded slightly older from what I could remember.

"No, I'm sorry sweetie. Something came up," he said, his words more serious and aimed at the others.

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