Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

The task of getting into the actual place was a process. By the time we got to the door, I felt sick. Imagine how close I was to shitting my slut skirt when a man came up to us at the door and asked for ID. My heart was already racing and I wasn't even inside. My 'pimp' came prepared and didn't pause in pulling out his fake ID along with mine that Luke managed to get for me. The fact that Jackson already had one reminded me of that interesting hunch Luke expressed. I still didn't know what to think on that theory about Jackson.

For my heart and mind to be racing, I pulled off acting calm well. I didn't say much or break eye contact when the tall security guard had his gaze on me and all over me. I didn't flinch, did nothing but act cool. I smirked slightly and played my part as Jackson's bitch, looking down and away from 'Frank' if he tried looking at me. It helped making things clear about how he was in control and that I feared him.

He showed the man our IDs before we moved through the two red doors and walked inside. I wasn't sure if I was relieved or scared about the fact that they didn't search people who could have weapons. As we predicted, Jackson made it in with no issue. I didn't want to know how bad things could get if a fight broke out. That was the last thing I needed to think about.

It wasn't like any other bar I've been too. Glancing around the space, feeling paranoid, the first thing that I noticed was how loud it was. With how many people were crammed in here, and with how many were naturally obnoxious, I had a good idea about these folks already. Before I took them in, I paid attention to the layout.

From where we walked in, the most noticeable feature was the long bar along the far right wall. It took up the entire wall, housing everyone's preferred poison and the seats to keep them buying. The bright yellow and red light illuminating from behind the bar gave silhouettes to the people sitting at the bar and a few standing. Where the long bar ended, there was maybe a few yards until the back wall was there. On that back wall in the corner by the bar, was a door that caught my attention. It was painted bright red and kept to the color scheme of the interior. A man was standing in front of it, looking content as he scanned over the room. With how dim this place was, it was all I could see before a swarm of people invaded my vision.

Along the left side of the back wall were booths. There were long couches in the middle of an open area too. If they were occupied, I couldn't tell from all the dancing bodies that took up a majority of the space. Though this was a bar, Carter did say partying was a big part of it. It was more like a club for how much these customers and workers liked to let go. If there were workers among these people, I could not point them out. They would blend in for sure. As for those who are working right now tonight for the bar, it was somewhat obvious.

Like the man by the door in back, there were guards that stood by other doors. Some men looked similar but were talking by the pool table in the middle of it all. Were they relaxed workers or actual costumers? For all I knew, every person that wasn't me was a follower of Reid. That's why my guard needed to stay up at all times. If actual people were not watching me, cameras were with people watching those. That was my only motivation to act the way I did in the next moment.

We were inside for maybe 30 seconds tops before someone approached me. In that time, I was able to pick up how trashy some people were - some more than others. The women here mostly wore revealing clothing like me but they were dancing and having fun, usually sticking to some guy's side. There were not as many girls as men and even then, they probably were not prostitutes. It left a couple guys without something to hump on. So now, food for the flies walked in.

"Mmmm. Hey gorgeous. What brings you here tonight?" The rough voice complimented his eyes as they stared down at me with hunger. Appearing to be maybe Luke's age, the man was extremely skinny and had overgrown facial hair. He looked like a mess overall with his slightly torn clothes too.

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